MovieChat Forums > 28 Weeks Later (2007) Discussion > So, what do you think happened in the he...

So, what do you think happened in the helicopter?


Do you think Andy had a slow reaction, to getting bit by his father? When Tammy looked into his eyes in the subway, she could see some of that dark red color GRADUALLY filling in the whites of his eyes. Maybe it just took an hour or two, as opposed to a few seconds, to turn him into a Rage killer... also, Scarlett said something about how the kids may or may not have inherited the mom's genes. Clearly Andy inherited SOME of her genes, but maybe just enough to keep the disease at bay for awhile, not enough to save him.

Or, do you think maybe he would have been OK, but somehow Tammy got some of the blood that he was covered with into her eyes, or her mouth, or maybe a cut on her hand? If she Raged out in the helicopter, she would have attacked Andy and Flynn, and it would have crashed.

Another question is, would a helicopter have had enough fuel to go from London all the way across the English Channel? I have no idea. That sounds like too far for it to go without refueling, but I don't really know anything about it.

Any thoughts?

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.


1. Possible.

2. Yes.

3. Absolutely, but it wouldn't matter, because of 2.


The helicopter didn't even crash. It was just abandoned. The struggle could've been after they had then-recently landed. And oddly, there's no signs of blood in the cockpit or even inside the helicopter, for the matter. Infected are usually oozing with blood / vomiting blood. Which suggests successful evasion.

Flynn could've made it out alive just in time with Andy while Tammy was becoming infected. Or Andy and Tammy could've made it out with Flynn showing signs of infection.

Pay close attention to Flynn's photograph. The crumpled family photo of Flynn above the cockpit suggests he might've been reaching for it before bailing out quickly.

My intuition in me says that Flynn made it out alive.

S = K Log W



Wasn't the boy a carrier like typhoid Mary (he wouldn't catch the virus but he could spread it)?
