Does Doyle die?

Haven't seen the movie, but i love Jeremy Renner.
So does he die or survive the movie?


See it because he dies one of the coolest most heroic deaths you will see on film.


Hmm.. okei, guess i will have to anyway :)
And i take it he dies late in the movie?
So i ain't going to see him as a small role?


Well it isn't the biggest role in the film but it is probably the most important and as always he does a great job.


Good to hear! I will definetly see the movie :)


He was probably the only likable character in this crap parade they call a movie.


In truth he went out like a coward. I dont blame him. I blame the bad movie writing. He didnt mind shooting his fellow soldiers earlier yet he chooses to ignore them later as they set him on FIRE!! Stupid way to get rid of his character. Totally ruined the movie for me..


he went out like a hero, but I do agree he could have easily dealt with the problem at hand and lived.


Bravery and stupidity has a lot to do with timing..


He had a rifle, can't remember what kind at this point but it would have been easy to shoot the two guys and then push start the car and hop in.


well it was 3 guys, all armed, 2 rifles and a flame thrower..


He probably figured that if he shot at them and drew fire, he'd either die, or the occupants of the car would be shot, or even the car would be damaged, letting in the gas. So shooting at the guys was a big risk and in actual fact he sacrificed himself there in quite a courageous way. Anyone thinking it was cowardly is an imbecile.




There was killer gas coming, a group of armed soldiers in limited visibility, not to mention a herd of running cannibals close by... so he did the right thing, he got the car moving and got the the VIPs out of there


Agreed. Thread should end here.


It comes as a huge shock though, he was brave as hell to do what he did.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Too bad the VIPs cause the epidemic to spread worldwide


He probably figured that if he shot at them and drew fire, he'd either die, or the occupants of the car would be shot, or even the car would be damaged, letting in the gas. So shooting at the guys was a big risk and in actual fact he sacrificed himself there in quite a courageous way. Anyone thinking it was cowardly is an imbecile.

^^This. He went out like a true hero.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.



I can't believe not one single person pointed out that he gave his rifle to Scarlet, he left it in the car next to her so she could use it to defend the kids later. He was defenseless after he got out to push the car. They even let the camera linger on his rifle sitting in the car to make sure you would notice. My god, you people.


He died a hero no doubt. Sadly it may have been in vain.


"He had a rifle, can't remember what kind at this point but it would have been easy to shoot the two guys and then push start the car and hop in."

There were more than two guys...there were two guys with flamethrowers and more with assault rifles backing up the guys with the flamethrowers.


He didnt mind shooting his fellow soldiers earlier yet he chooses to ignore them later as they set him on FIRE!! Stupid way to get rid of his character. Totally ruined the movie for me..

Wow, watching movies must be hardest thing in the world for you.

In truth he went out like a coward. I dont blame him. I blame the bad movie writing.

Yes, only you figured out movie had bad writing an rest of nearly 160.000 people who liked the movie are idiots, right? Grow up already. If movie doesn't have something YOU don't like, it's not instant bad writing.

Forget the panic and chaos, forget the feeling of helplessness, forget the depressing mood that movie does right, it's bad writing because they killed off Jeremy Renner's character who had no purpose in the movie anymore anyway.


Yep watched it again. Its still dumb. Doyle could have shot the flame guys and had more time to push the car. I still think its dumb. Alucardvenom. Eat me!


You must be fun at parties lol ..Funniest part is this guy says this movie sucked and the writing was bad yet he gives "I Frankenstein" a 9 out of 10... That's a hoot... movies are subjective but damn that's a horrible movie imo


he dies one of the coolest most heroic deaths you will see on film.

Not really, considering that what he actually did was aid in the escape of a child who eventually infects mainland Europe, which I assume leads to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.


Neither coolest, nor most heroic. But he dies.


Yeah, he survives but gets slightly burnt and gassed.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


He's fine. He got the best tan in England during his final scene.


No, he got treated and later taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D to become an agent known as Hawkeye. Sorry, couldn't help myself.


Lol! I was going to go with a new Spawn. Good and crispy.
