Green/Brown Eyes Error


FYI, this should be in "Goofs"; I will try to enter it there later. At around 80 minutes, right after Doyle gets burned up pushing the car to help start it, Andy looks into the back seat at his sister and you can clearly see her eyes are the same color: green (or are they blue? Please see my note at the end of this post), and remain the same for the rest of the film. The main premise and part of the possible immunity theory is both children have different colored irises (like their mother), which is shown at the beginning of the film. This is what makes them unique.

**Note: Imogen Poots, who plays Tammy has "striking blue eyes" according to this website.


Doc Scarlet (talking with Sgt. Doyle at the old fairground) suggests that the kids "may" have inherited the Mom's immunity, but she doesn't expressly state it's because of the dual-eyes color.

In fact, that's just left up to us to imagine -- and the bio-science folks will have to step in here to tell us how in some way shape or form this condition could possibly make anybody immune to a virus. It's a real gimmick, as far as I'm concerned, and maybe just there to highlight the immunity in these two characters for us in the audience.

So, the dual color identifies that the Mom and Andy were immune, and we see their eyes as such, but we never see Tammy with the dual irises. You seem to state that late in the movie her eyes are "the same color". Personally, I never saw them as anything but.

So poor Tammy can get the virus: It's why I think, with all that hugging and kissing of her l'il bro', she ends up getting infected via all that spatter on his clothes and face -- and she's the one who ends up killing the chopper occupants and spreading the disease to Europe. Yikes! Too bad, I liked poor Tammy.


Yea I swear it was the boy that had the different eye colour, not the sister.


It was the boy...
