MovieChat Forums > 28 Weeks Later (2007) Discussion > Did mom infect dad on purpose?

Did mom infect dad on purpose?

Curious to hear others thoughts on the matter.


I, for one, don't believe that she did. Not unless she was suicidal. Perhaps she was. As she was in such a position in which she could not possibly fight back or escape death I don't believe that she intentionally did infect her hubbie.

Another aspect could be that she infected him and thought he wouldn't harm her because they were husband and wife. But she'd have to be very dumb.

Thirdly it could have been a form of revenge for abandoning her at the beginning of the film.

It's possible that she could not have known that she was capable of infecting anyone.


I don't believe she infected him on purpose. He's the dumbass who felt he needed to kiss her..Wife or not!! If I was still married and all that stuff had happened there is 100% no chance Id be giving her a kiss especially since she's strapped to a bed...Kisses are the last thing on my mind.


Oh I fully believe she knew what she was doing. He'd abandoned her to save himself, coward that he was. She wanted to infect him, to make him pay and, I think in a way, this was his way of finally accepting what he had done. He had to realize that he'd be infected and would die and wanted to by that point. Sort of his redemption for what he'd done to her, especially now that his kids knew the truth.


I almost thought that except that she would then be killed and never get to see her kids again, which she clearly wanted to do.


It's a reasonable interpretation that she would want to make him pay. But a few things make me think this was not an intentional infection. For one, she was strapped to the bed. He had to lean in to kiss her, she didn't initiate it. Second, we don't even know she knew she was a carrier. Being resistant to a virus doesn't automatically make one a carrier. And Don certainly didn't know it either, since the Rose Byrne character made the discovery nearly simultaneous to Don reaching the mom's room.

The scene has a horrific poetic justice to it, but to me neither person knew what was going to happen before it did.


She said "I love you". You normally say that before kissing someone.


I kiss my spouse, and vice versa, a lot without saying "I love you" first. Sometimes we say it, sometimes we don't. People who are dating kiss each other without saying it at all, perhaps for months or years (until they're comfortable with it). When she says "I love you," it is a painfully awkward line because she might well never be able to forgive him for what he did, even though she still loves him. That doesn't mean she wanted to infect him.

I can see how it might be interpreted the other way, though. I just don't agree with that interpretation.


I think what throws some people off is how calm she looked as Don started to go nuts. But... she definitely looked pretty nervous when he started bashing his face against the glass wall and getting all bloody. In fact, seeing it again tonight, I winched when she groaned, because that was what alerted him to the fact she was laying there in the middle of the room. He "may" have otherwise just run out the door to find his first victim! Though that wouldn't have changed the story that much, it wouldn't have been so gruesomely poetic.


Gruesomely poetic (and ironic) is right! When I first saw this scene, I think I said out loud, "Jesus, that did NOT just happen!"


I believe she did.

As a immunity/carrier I can only assume she still has some rage attributes in her.

I believe she was getting revenge on her husband for leaving her behind and that the rage strain in her made her only think about the vengeance at that time, ignoring rational thought.

She exhibited rational thought with her son on their reunion.

Once Don is infected, to me, her eyes are saying "what did I just do?!"

This occurs before Don mauls her
