MovieChat Forums > 28 Weeks Later (2007) Discussion > Was The Rage Virus Don Caught A New Stra...

Was The Rage Virus Don Caught A New Strain?

Did anyone think that infected Don didn't act like a typically infected rage virus recipient?

2 examples from what I remember; When Doyle was with the kids and others trying to avoid the military sniper, Don appeared from a distance away and made eye contact with Andy. Doyle then appeared and Don disappeared. A typical rage virus victim would've went after a person/group the minute they saw them. Don was apparently still smart enough to know that if he did that then and there, Doyle would've def. gunned him down.

The 2nd example was when the military was firebombing downtown London, we see Don hiding around a corner avoiding certain death. A typically infected person would not have the mindset to do that.

I've read one theory that since Alice was the first known carrier of the virus, the virus that was spread to Don was a new strain in which the infected weren't as "mindless" as they were before. That's about as good an explanation as I've heard for Don's actions after he became infected.

Your thoughts?


I would also add that even when he kills his wife he seems to derive some pleasure from it like he is getting vengeance on her for giving it to him.


Or him having (apparent?) flashbacks when he attacked Andy right before his daughter shot and killed him.

Or even the biggest piece of evidence alltogether; The stalking of his children after he became infected.


You got a point, Don's behaviour WAS atypical:
- The infected in the fist movie would attack people lightly and move on (vomit on them, bite them maybe once, etc). Don however went way beyond that with his wife (beat her, bit her, gouged her eyes out, beat her again).
- While Don is followed also because he's played by Carlyle, would Carlyle agree to play a so early infected character and receive top billing still? Clearly he's been followed also for a different reason (being able to stalk his children and being sane enough to avoid danger).
- Avoid danger: it's obvious he's hiding from the flames (he's standing still and pressed against the wall), not that he happened to be at right place at right time.
- He's OBVIOULSY stalking his kids, following them QUIETLY (it's one thing to randomly and luckily bump into them so often, and another to be stealth about it). Infected aren't known for keeping it down while roaming around.
- He's shown recognizing his daughter (even having a flashback to his wife due to the kid having her wife's eyes). He even pauses for a moment (instead of keep attacking the kid) before finally launching at her.


He seemed to act the same, they just focused on him because he was one of the main stars.

Don did not appear from a distance, it was in the little boy's imagination. When Doyle broke his concentration, his illusion was gone.

The second, was he avoiding the fire, or just in the right place at the right time? Not enough details to know.


Um, no. Doyle appeared in front of Andy for about 3-4 seconds blocking his view of Don, and when he turned around Don was gone. They were in an alleyway, not an open field, so I'm not sure how you think this was an "illusion"? Plenty of places he could've ran to in that time.

In the 2nd he was clearly standing still against a wall while the fire raged on. A typical infected person would not have the mindset to do that. They've charged at people with firearms who could end their life in a second. Fear is not on what's left of their minds.


3 - 4 seconds and he disappeared that fast? Why don't you count to three and see if you can even roll out of bed in that time. Ok, now you are just making stuff up. Besides Don would have tried to attack them if it was there. It was the little kid's imagination, whether you agree or not is irrelevant.

The second was just poor writing then probably. They just needed to write in that Don was still alive to inform the audience.


Did you talk to someone involved with this movie?? Then you are in no position to accuse me of "making stuff up" acting like you know for sure, when the simple fact is you don't. You said originally that Don "disappeared" when Doyle appeared, which was blatantly false. Who is the 1 making up stuff now?

I just saw this movie again on HBO this morning. Don was standing at the entrance way of the alley. Plenty of time for him to run back around the corner and disappear out of sight in 3-4 seconds. We aren't talking about "getting out of bed", although I can get out of bed in that amount of time. You act like that's some big feat to do. We're talking about people infected with the rage virus that makes them move like track stars.


Yes, the boy who was traumatized by seeing his dad as a zombie appeared to see it again, and then his sight was blocked and Don was gone. That's easy enough for the audience to realize there was nothing there. No need to make something out of nothing here.


They never established in the movie that Andy had hallucinations, or was prone to them. They never said this was a hallucination, or indicated it was.

You are stating an opinion and not a fact. You lost. Move on.


Actually, you lost and it's good that you moved on.

He obviously had a new strain due to the mother's immunity, as evidenced by his infection. ALL the previous infected turned into mindless ravagers within seconds. The father's manifestation was a lot slower and less violent and he had enough of his mind left to plot, stalk (yes, the boy saw him) and evade. Also, what other infected(s) killed/maimed by slowly gouging out someone's eyes? Answer: none. they were ALL just mindless berserkers. It was CLEARLY and act of deliberate revenge.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Um, you told me I lost and to move on, then went on to agree with me.

I'm assuming you meant the poster who somehow thought Andy was just imagining Don in that alleyway.


Ooops. Yes. I meant the other poster :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


No worries ;)


Rytman is actually trying to do research on his condition of being a mindless rager on IMBD boards which is why he can't let any comment go. We should be afraid that he's developing a new strain of butthurt since he checks his posts every 2 hours for a 10 year old movie.


a mindless rager on IMBD boards which is why he can't let any comment go. We should be afraid that he's developing a new strain of butthurt since he checks his posts every 2 hours for a 10 year old movie.

You do realize that's exactly what you're doing, right? Probably because no one agrees with you. Rytman's response was understandable. I mistakenly replied to him instead of you so he got a notification.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Thanks, Chilone.

But it's useless talking with a moron who was proven wrong several times over, and now is crying about it like the pansy he is.


Lol, guy had to make another account so that it's 2 versus 1. Ok, how about this - no one cares what the zombie was doing in a b-rated junk movie. By default of number of people that care about this there is one, and it's Rytman and his alter-ego. I certainly don't, so go about your conversation of mindless ragers.


For someone who keeps saying he "doesn't care" about it or the movie, then why do you keep coming back to this board and thread???

Quit while you're behind and go back to mommy and daddy's basement, retard.


It's humorous to see you get so butthurt about a better opinion. Oh, I'm retard now, gee thanks.


Except it's not better, dummy.

Notice you're the only one who shares your empty headed opinion.

But that's what I've come to expect with a retard. I'm done with you. Goodbye.


I'm the only one that shares that opinion because 10 year-old, somewhat bad movie. There's only three people that even share their opinion, and two of those accounts belong to you.

Goodbye, I'll mail you some kleenex to wipe your crying eyes.


No need to make something out of nothing here

Actually, you're the one who's making something out of nothing. The kid was not hallucinating; the father was very obviously following them.

Notice at the end, how the dad's the only 'infected' in the area? Because he followed them.


Just because they showed only him because he's one of the stars, doesn't mean there weren't others around that weren't shown.


If there were other infected in the general proximity, they'd have attacked the kids too. Especially since the kids made so much noise during/after their confrontation with infecteDad.

What you're suggesting would only be possible if the other infected around had originated from a nearby school for the blind and deaf (or something that'd explain the kids being fine after dealing with their father)


Beat it troll!
