Typical dumb Americans

Enough said.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


Yeah, so stupid for rebuilding Britain and providing food and shelter and armed protection for its citizens. It wasn't the English kids at all who screwed the entire effort :P
I know it's trolling, but try harder.


You think? They let in people way before it was sensibly safe enough to do so, the army man says that he's got everything under control, and then after a single person is infected, they decide to not only murder everyone that they brought in, but also bomb the city to smithereens. Quite akin to real life, innit?

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


It was safe. All of the infected were dead, save for a hybrid woman who wasn't effectively a threat so long as she was kept in a medical lab (which they wouldn't have come in contact with anyway, had it not been for the kids breaking the rules first, and later the father). Kids leave the designated area (disregarding warning and protocol), and father abuses his access to come in direct contact with his wife. None of that is the army's fault. They may have found the hybrid wife eventually during a clean-up sweep as they expanded their efforts in the city, but she would have been detained under medical supervision protocols anyway, and hopefully away from the father who screwed them as well.

Someone sternly tells you not to do something, you do it anyway, and you blame them for not obsessively watching you to ensure you don't break their reasonable rules that you're already aware of ? Yeah, okay. It's like blaming a company who makes metal pots when you stick your hand in boiling water. If only they didn't make those pots you wouldn't have burnt your hand! lol




All true, but the American troops still had no guards or security of any kind on the wife. They should've rescinded her husband's access immediately just out of precaution to prevent, well, exactly what happened. His emotional involvement would've rendered him compromised, whereupon they could've justifiably taken away his high-level access. But instead he keeps his access, and, with no security on his wife's hospital room, not even someone monitoring the CCTV, he just waltzes right in.

And the Americans' idea to save everybody is to cram them all into one huge room where the doors open inward. Brilliant.

So while there's a lot of blame to go around (stinkin' stupid kids), the US military is depicted as being pretty incompetent in this film if you ask me.

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?


Wait. Why aren't you speaking German?


Because the Allies defeated the Axis. Allies as in a group of nations. The U.S couldn't have defeated Germany on its own so get over yourself.


Call it what you want--the US was the only nation to fight in two theaters. And don't bring up Burma or the dozens of vessels the British had in the Pacific--it's a drop in the bucket compared to the armada America deployed there. The Allied force was primarily Russian and American; UK was tertiary by 1944.


Nobody,well not me anyway,is doubting the huge role played by the USA and the USSR in World War 2.
But the idea that Britain and her allies played a small part in the war is just silly.
You understand that Britain had the biggest empire the world has ever seen? are you counting the imperial troops when you refer to puny British efforts?

WORLD WAR 2 for Britain and her empire Sept 1939-August 1945
for the USSR June 1941-August 1945 (allies of Nazi Germany from August 1939-June 1941)
for the USA 7 December 1941-August 1945.

UK population 1944 47,750 million.
2,950 million in army
783,000 in navy
950,00 in air force.
By 1945 army dead 144,079
navy dead 50,758
air force dead 69,606
60,00 civilian dead.

India 2,393891 army
32,000 dead
Canada 1 million in armed forces
42,000 dead
million in armed forces
26,000 dead.
South Africa
300,00 in armed forces
9000 dead
New Zealand
150,000 in armed forces
11,000 dead.

Most of the troops fighting in Burma-China-India theatre were Indian,fighting alongside British and also African troops.
Of course there were no British troops involved in the island hopping campaign,and the British Navy did not have a pacific fleet till mid 1944 but most of the Royal Navy was fighting in europe,as was most of the US army and army air corp,you do know the allied policy was europe first?

Normandy landings
5 allied divisions
1 Canadian
2 British
2 American
3 airborne divisions
1 British,2 American.

Of course in the long run the majority of allied troops in Western Europe were American,but the US population was 4 times that if the British.

6 million in army
182,901 dead
USAAC 1.8 million
40,000 dead
4 million
69,000 dead
marines 25,000 dead



Yeah, I guess that's true.

The USA were the only ones in both the Pacific and Europe.

Unless you count Australia.

And New Zealand.

And India.

And Britain.

And Canada.

And the Soviet Union.

And I guess you forgot to get an education.



what a laughable and ignorant comment. Pick up a book and stop getting your info from movies/youtube


Why not German? Because the Soviets won the war?

Why aren't Americans capable of speaking English- because the French won your 1770's war?


So since Americans are so terrible, you certainly don't need to use our American Websites like imdb, right?

Go ahead and hop off and stick to whatever bull**** your side of the world comes up with.

Also, go ahead and refrain from enjoying any American made cinema and television. Music as well. Americans are stupid, right? No need to stoop to our level and enjoy what we call "art."

See ya later, bud.


It IS akin to real life! Like when Germany had Britain on the ropes and was saved by the Soviets and Americans. You're welcome.


Yeah and you're a typical dumb a-hole.


Just slit your wrists and get it over with already.


Do you mean Doyle and Scarlet are stupid? It's a tough thing to say and believe as they are the heroes, but yes, isn't that the point of the film? The ones who act morally in the film cause the damage to others? The British kids to the same, but that is beside the point, Doyle and Scarlet consistently try to do the right thing, Scarlet trying to find a cure, and Doyle not wanting to shoot innocent targets and protect the innocent instead. In the end, this is what leads to greater problems.

If Flynn didn't give into what he felt was "right" then the virus wouldn't have spread.

In the end it was "dumb Americans" in the sense, they let dumb morality guide them.


"Well-meant" is not the same as "good".
This is why liberals should have no authority. They want to help every poor little fella and make things worse for everyone.


They may be dumb but their teeth are straight.


And their women don't all look like Ron Weasley...


If it weren't for us "Dumb Americans" you'd be speaking German right now, Suka. And you know what you DO suka!

Ungrateful *beep*

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


You had no part in WWII, and without the Allies as a joint collective, we'd all probably still be speaking English under Nazi rule. So as an American, shut the *beep* up, nationalistic zealot.


Yeah. And if it wasn't for X war, by Y nation Z years ago, you wouldn't be speaking W language. Amirite? History only began 70 years ago, right.


It was stupid fcking limeys that let the Rage Virus out in the first place. That entire sh!tty island should have been nuked to ensure it doesn't get to the mainland.

It's not like anything of value would be lost by nuking England.

Never trust a black man named "Chip."


Typical jealous foreigner. Everyone seems to be missing a crucial detail. If the Americans are so "dumb", why didn't the Brits handle it themselves?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
