MovieChat Forums > 28 Weeks Later (2007) Discussion > Was this movie dumbed-down for American ...

Was this movie dumbed-down for American youth?

It's highly overrated by them. Should be a 5.0 at most. This movie will hurt your head if you have a little bit of sense. It's so frustrating because it was so stupid. I literally found myself having to fast-forward past the dumb parts.
They completely abandoned the realism that made the first one great.


I agree. I didn't even make it all the way to the end of this film. It started out great but got stupid when it became about family drama. How could they not know about the dangers of letting that kid run loose? How do bullets not always kill zombies but nerve gas works?


It was also tamed down. Here, the infected just slap a car window and make faces, whereas in the first you just saw a pair of eyes and they'd smash right through.


How about the fact they weren't zombies for starters? They were sick, I.E.-infected.

If they were zombies, why did body shots from guns kill them?

Or the fact they died from starvation?


Maybe it was dumbed down for citizens of your country, bizz.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


No, they dumbed it down for you British twats.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


Your stupid anger made you assume that I was British, when I'm not. lmao!! Thanks for justifying my point of dumb Americans.


Yeah, American audiences are stupid.

The Madness of King George
withheld it's III from the title end because Yanks thought it might be a second sequel!!

US films always have characters spoon-feed them the plot and events instead of thinking....usually aided by shouting, car chases and bombs going off..and GUNS!!


It's hilarious that all you outside America take the money we give you, then spew your hate at us. Hopefully, the next administration will cut you pussies off. Then, ISIS can finish you off.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


It's hilarious that all you outside America take the money we give you, then spew your hate at us. Hopefully, the next administration will cut you pussies off. Then, ISIS can finish you off.

Thanks for proving my point, inaccurate retard. Go vote for a vile and mongoloid-Trump. See who laughs last, .....the entire globe. Lol


Your whore mother should have fished you out with a coat hanger you worthless twat.


No. It was dumbed down for yo momma.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


It was dumbed down for the average moviegoer...I had to skip through all the fricking tropes of the virus outbreak genre. It was plainly boring. Nothing new.
