Dude, that sucked...

When I see a movie this bad I have to vent. I cannot believe how impossibly dumb this movie was. I wanted to enjoy this movie, so I let as much slide as possible.
It started off cool, I let it slide how the intro characters made some dumb decisions in a life or death situation (ex: a woman desperately trying to safe a boy who she met 30 seconds earlier). I let it slide when when the plot ground to a halt when the father told his kids what happened to his wife (it happened 20 minutes earlier, we saw the it). I let it slide when there was no explaination how the mother survived being eaten, made it back to London, and held out for 6 months. I even let it slide when the dad used a maintenance card to get into what a five year old could tell you ought to be a top security room that was somehow unguarded.
Then zombified dad is seen taking down armed guards who I guess didn't get the memo on running screaming people that bleed through their eyes. Then the civilians are quarintined in a safe place, except there's no guards with them and that one set of double doors in back for zombie dad to break through.
Then the army starts shooting civilians. Subtle. Then the army goes out of it's way to keep killing people, whether it's keeping snipers around 4 minutes before the place is bombed, gassing them, or torching them with flamethrowers.
Zombie dad is revealed to be this arch nemesis zombie who keeps reappearing to take down his kids, which seems to undermine the whole idea of mindless zombies and zombies as a horde style of enemy.
And its really just all helicopters chopping zombies from there. What a dissapointing film.


TY for telling me all this, I just can't enjoy a movie where everybody whispers and out of nowhere there is loud screams. So now I get to know how crappy is the story I can't just follow by this annoying sound "style".

I'm moving to another movie I can enjoy.



It's just a damn movie...chill out. It's purpose is to entertain an audience for two hours. I can't stand when people b!tch about the realism of a movie (especially a horror film). We get it, you're observant and want everyone to know just how smart you are. Damn, why can't people just sit back and simply enjoy a film without looking for plot holes and unrealistic scnerios every two minutes?


"It's just a damn movie...chill out."

Have you seen this movie? The op isn't talking about the wrong name on the phone booth or any of the other endless crap people whine about. This movie is filled with plot points right out of Police Squad. I can just hear Leslie Nielsen in the Top Security Hospital Room.

"We have the most dangerous person in the world, and due to her immunity possibly also the most important. She's strapped down to a gurney with no way to take care of herself. Lunch anyone?"

And they all leave. All of them, nurses and all. They leave a patient, any patient let alone one infected with a deadly virus, strapped to a gurney alone. Then her husband, due to his Ultimate Power as a Maintenance Man, uses his pass card to walk right into this high security military hospital room.

At least, once he's infected and roaming the halls, the military has the sense to tell everyone to stay in their rooms with the doors latched and barred and turn the deadbolts. They'll be safe then, even if zombie guy breaks all the previous precedent and remembers how to use his Magic Pass Card.

Oh wait, that's not what they do. I'd mercifully blanked out the scene. They order everyone to go to the basement garage where they stand as a helpless vulnerable exposed group and the lights are turned off.

The movie is full of this crap, stuff that a fourth grader with a video camera would consider too stupid to film. It's not errors, it's one big insult to the intelligence of anyone who reads anything more complicated than comic books.

Seriously, I have to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't actually seen the movie.


I've seen the movie, but you failed to comprehend my argument. I understand the movie has it's flaws when it comes to plausibility and logic. You can list as many flaws as you want, but it still doesn't change how I feel about this film. Maybe we watch movies with a different mindset. I'm no *beep* Einstein or a film student or have ever worked in the film industry. I'm just an average Joe that loves to watch movies. Like I said before, I watch movies solely for entertainment purposes. It's a damn movie about zombies for crying out loud. I threw all logic out the window before the movie even began because IT'S A MOVIE ABOUT ZOMBIES! A bad script? Perhaps. Oscar-worthy performances? Not by a long shot, but I was entertained and that's all I care about.


I think horror films are meant to shock the audience, not enlighten them.


i enjoyed this movie as a comedy because of how stupid the characters were and pretty much everything OP mentioned.


I'm fine with movies making up their own logic but they need to at least stick to their own logic. Zombie Dad should have rushed people like he did before or like how all the other zombies do. Not just stand there looking menacing before moving onto something else when he sees a target.

Most everything else I could buy as something that could happen or horror movie logic where people are being really stupid. I know a helicopter can't cut people in half with it's blade without crashing but man it was cool scene.


I bet the tinsel on the tree at christmas really amuses you too.




It's just a damn movie...It's purpose is to entertain an audience for two hours.

But it doesn't. At all.




Character is revealed by how you treat people with no power.


it's because of dumb asses like you that the movie industry gets to make millions of dollars feeding people half assed crap .


They aren't zombies though, so she doesn't get eaten because the infected don't feed on people, they bite you to infect you and once you turn they move on. They starve to death eventually. So really your problem should be why did other infected leave her alone but the dad didn't. Like a lot of movies, the plot is based on a *beep* ton of coincidences.


The "It's just a movie" excuse doesn't work for me here. Every movie has it's flaws, unrealistic scenarios, plot holes and lazy writing. But there is a kind of critical mass for these kinds of things after which they undermine the movie and that point was reached early in this film and then continued.
