28 Months Later

I know it's one of those ideas that has been lurking around for so long that we've lost all hope of it coming to pass, but since they've gotten Trainspotting 2 off the ground, then maybe we can get another installment here, too.

What would you like to see explored for a third episode, and what would the world look like 28 months later?


I'd be happy to see a 28 Months Later. Loved (not liked but loved) 28 Weeks Later.

But I couldn't find any recent mention of a possible sequel. Every news article goes back to 2 years ago with the likelihood being "maybe", which usually means a 80% of "no film happening." But you're right. If Trainspotting could get a sequel after many years, you never know. Can't completely write off the possibility.

However, the studios are probably thinking the profit returns may not be worth the effort for another zombie/infected movie. 28 Weeks Later made about $65-$70 million worldwide, which to me seems very good. But I don't know what the budget was. Maybe it wasn't enough? At least with Trainspotting 2, you have a bigger name like Ewan McGregor in it to help bring people in.

Still, if so many other horror films (that are far worse and less popular) get multiple sequels, than 28 Weeks should get one at least. I wouldn't mind it if it continued in Paris, as the end of 28 Weeks hinted at. It may be a challenge to show the infection all over the world, as I could imagine that being very expensive.


I'll keep a little hope in the back of my mind since other films are getting followups even many years later (Trainspotting, the Alien franchise, Predator franchise, etc). I like how diverse Danny Boyle's production has been, but it would be nice if he got back around to the 28's. :-)

In terms of what the movie could cover...well, 28DL dropped us in the midst of chaos and it was a scramble for survival. 28WL showed society fall apart. Perhaps 28ML could show the kind of gradual success in the struggle which was kind of skipped over at the end of 28DL, the part where a corner is turned and humans make headway toward a solution.

One possible advantage of the "series" is that you could have a new cast again with new actors that ight appeal and bring in new viewers in addition to existing fans.


Meh, I lost my fear of the infected after seeing 28 Weeks Later. Plus WWZ2 is supposed ti be released later this year.


I'll probably check out WWZ2, but I wasn't as sold on WWZ (1) as I was the 28 series. I didn't read the original book, but friends told me that it had a chain of narrators as the action moved around the globe instead of channeling it all through Brad Pitt's character. I don't know if I would have enjoyed that more or not, but it might have seemed more plausible....well, as plausible as anything could be for a zombie movie. :-)


When people asked me about WWZ I would refer it as WWzzzzzzzzzzzz.


I would LOVE to see a sequel! It would be really cool if they focused more on the people who are just carriers of the virus instead of actually being infected and what that does to them.
