MovieChat Forums > Shoot 'Em Up (2007) Discussion > Forty reasons for gun control

Forty reasons for gun control

A movie that was filled with crap, anti-gun propaganda seemed like a good place for this. It's really a shame because the movie was good. Not exactly Oscar material, but it's great as a cheesy, deliberately over the top action movie that you watch if you want to get a rush. So it's a big shame the movie had to be brought down by its bull$hit anti-gun message.

1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns.

2. Washington DC's low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis' high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control.

3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are "just statistics."

4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates, which have been declining since 1991.

5. We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a lunatic is paranoid.

6. The more helpless you are the safer you are from criminals.

7. An intruder will be incapacitated by tear gas or oven spray, but if shot with a .357 Magnum will get angry and kill you.

8. A woman raped and strangled is morally superior to a woman with a smoking gun and a dead rapist at her feet.

9. When confronted by violent criminals, you should "put up no defense -- give them what they want, or run" (Handgun Control Inc. Chairman Pete Shields, Guns Don't Die - People Do, 1981, p.125).

10. The New England Journal of Medicine is filled with expert advice about guns; just like Guns & Ammo has some excellent treatises on heart surgery.

11. One should consult an automotive engineer for safer seatbelts, a civil engineer for a better bridge, a surgeon for internal medicine, a computer programmer for hard drive problems, and Sarah Brady for firearms expertise.

12. The 2nd Amendment, ratified in 1787, refers to the National Guard, which was created 130 years later, in 1917.

13. The National Guard, federally funded, with bases on federal land, using federally-owned weapons, vehicles, buildings and uniforms, punishing trespassers under federal law, is a "state" militia.

14. These phrases: "right of the people peaceably to assemble," "right of the people to be secure in their homes," "enumerations herein of certain rights shall not be construed to disparage others retained by the people," and "The powers not delegated herein are reserved to the states respectively, and to the people" all refer to individuals, but "the right of the people to keep and bear arm" refers to the state.

15. "The Constitution is strong and will never change." But we should ban and seize all guns thereby violating the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments to that Constitution.

16. Rifles and handguns aren't necessary to national defense! Of course, the army has hundreds of thousands of them.

17. Private citizens shouldn't have handguns, because they aren't "military weapons", but private citizens shouldn't have "assault rifles", because they are military weapons.

18. In spite of waiting periods, background checks, finger printing, government forms, etc., guns today are too readily available, which is responsible for recent school shootings. In the 1940's, 1950's and1960's, anyone could buy guns at hardware stores, army surplus stores, gas stations, variety stores, Sears mail order, no waiting, no background check, no fingerprints, no government forms and there were no school shootings.

19. The NRA's attempt to run a "don't touch" campaign about kids handling guns is propaganda, but the anti-gun lobby's attempt to run a "don't touch" campaign is responsible social activity.

20. Guns are so complex that special training is necessary to use them properly, and so simple to use that they make murder easy.

21. A handgun, with up to 4 controls, is far too complex for the typical adult to learn to use, as opposed to an automobile that only has 20.

22. Women are just as intelligent and capable as men but a woman with a gun is "an accident waiting to happen" and gun makers' advertisements aimed at women are "preying on their fears."

23. Ordinary people in the presence of guns turn into slaughtering butchers but revert to normal when the weapon is removed.

24. Guns cause violence, which is why there are so many mass killings at gun shows.

25. A majority of the population supports gun control, just like a majority of the population supported owning slaves.

26. Any self-loading small arm can legitimately be considered to be a "weapon of mass destruction" or an "assault weapon."

27. Most people can't be trusted, so we should have laws against guns, which most people will abide by because they can be trusted.

28. The right of Internet pornographers to exist cannot be questioned because it is constitutionally protected by the Bill of Rights, but the use of handguns for self defense is not really protected by the Bill of Rights.

29. Free speech entitles one to own newspapers, transmitters, computers, and typewriters, but self-defense only justifies bare hands.

30. The ACLU is good because it uncompromisingly defends certain parts of the Constitution, and the NRA is bad, because it defends other parts of the Constitution.

31. Charlton Heston, a movie actor as president of the NRA is a cheap lunatic who should be ignored, but Michael Douglas, a movie actor as a representative of Handgun Control, Inc. is an ambassador for peace who is entitled to an audience at the UN arms control summit.

32. Police operate with backup within groups, which is why they need larger capacity pistol magazines than do "civilians" who must face criminals alone and therefore need less ammunition.

33. We should ban "Saturday Night Specials" and other inexpensive guns because it's not fair that poor people have access to guns too.

34. Police officers have some special Jedi-like mastery over hand guns that private citizens can never hope to obtain.

35. Private citizens don't need a gun for self-protection because the police are there to protect them even though the Supreme Court says the police are not responsible for their protection.

36. Citizens don't need to carry a gun for personal protection but police chiefs, who are desk-bound administrators who work in a building filled with cops, need a gun.

37. "Assault weapons" have no purpose other than to kill large numbers of people. The police need assault weapons. You do not.

38. When Microsoft pressures its distributors to give Microsoft preferential promotion, that's bad; but when the Federal government pressures cities to buy guns only from Smith & Wesson, that's good.

39. Trigger locks do not interfere with the ability to use a gun for defensive purposes, which is why you see police officers with one on their duty weapon.

40. Handgun Control, Inc. says they want to "keep guns out of the wrong hands." Guess what? You have the wrong hands.

"Yes, I'm having difficulty controlling THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE."


oh goodie... a NRA thread! remember people... when carrots are outlawed, only outlaws will have carrots.


See, the sad thing is you think that's a great rebuttal to the "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". They love to substitute the word gun with another word but it's really just stupid and pathetic and just proves the gun argument correct.

For the sake of argument, let's say that for some reason, carrots were made illegal. Guess what? People would still be able to get them. How? Why the same way that criminals manage to get guns despite gun bans, the same way stoners and junkies get drugs despite drug bans, and the same way that people still bought booze during Prohibition.

"Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak, plotting my demise."


In reality people, guns will never get banned. Should they, YES. Point is there's just to many crazies out there. Why do you think 90% of Americans take some form of medication. Lots of people deal with depression & lots of people deal with bi-polar, I would venture a guess to say those the ones that provoke violence, murder & the like. Its all because of an imbalance in the brain. Why people are so *beep* up in the head, I don't know. All the more reason to hire more shrinks & psychologists & the like. People need thorough counseling day in & day out to deal with their mental issues that seem to be bothering them. Yes, people/families should have the right to protect themselves. If guns were banned, the crazies would still think up some elaborate scheme to inflict as much pain as they wanted because they thrive on it for whatever reason. Keep in mind the 2nd Amendment was written a long, long time ago. When you didn't have things like AK's & machine guns, & rifles. Guns you actually had to take the time to put the powder & whatever else in the barrel of the gun, pat it down, etc. It was just quick release like it is now. I mean, can you honestly say that out of every single person that has ever owned, bought, borrowed, had a gun in their possession actually used it for protection. If your a hunter & its obvious you are by how you dress, act, talk, etc. thats fine. But for those who own multiple guns, I say do you really need all those guns solely for protection. These people that own 3, 4, 5, 6, just an infinite amount of firearms. I find that to be laughable. Point is, is there really anything we can do about it, probably not. We can't help the fact that so many people in this country are *beep* up in the head. Its clear people have issues, & until people combat their problems. You will continue to see mindless, senseless, pointless incidents that you know could've & should've been avoided.


You will continue to see mindless, senseless, pointless incidents that you know could've & should've been avoided.
That's like saying cars should be banned because of car accidents.


"Why do you think 90% of Americans take some form of medication."

Do you have a source for that other than your ass where it was pulled out of?

"Keep in mind the 2nd Amendment was written a long, long time ago. When you didn't have things like AK's & machine guns, & rifles. Guns you actually had to take the time to put the powder & whatever else in the barrel of the gun, pat it down, etc. It was just quick release like it is now."

By that logic, the first amendment shouldn't protect television, radio, or internet. You know, since there was only newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets when it was written.

"Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak, plotting my demise."


stop bringing up amendments like it applies to the whole world, go back to your NRA buddies with your m4 carbine and act "bad-ass".

guns will always be a problem, and where are they the biggest problem? america..why? because every tom dick and harry can get their hands on one. that is a scary thought. so all of those gangs in L.A are just using guns for "self defence" yeah? lol

id love to get you in the ring down my local boxing club and show how to fight like a real man, you john wayne loving fag


Island of Ireeland...

Isn't Ireland the place that has their own gun wielding domestic terrorists...the IRA?

You need to clean up your own mess before worrying about ours.

And as for your boxing club idea...what makes you think I can't stomp your @$$? You have no idea who the peole are to whom you are speaking, no idea of how big they are nor their experience. That is the appeal of a firearm for self defense. It levels the playing field. Are you saying that my 81 year old grandmother should give up her firearm and go train for MMA fights? I guess she should take a Karate class so she can take on criminals that seek to do her harm.

Just to clear something up, I learned a valuable lesson when I was a police officer...dead from a knife, broken bottle, club or car is just a dead as dead from a gun. I think too many people believe there is a difference.


Spudley112 - I agree. Dead is dead.

I'm a tad shorter than 5'5" and female…I would be hard pressed to take down someone twice my size who's genetically geared for more upper body strength than I am. Doesn’t matter how much I work out, there's only so much muscle mass I can build (and want to build). I don't want to get into a fist fight with someone who wants to hurt me; I want to be able to protect myself. Preferably from a distance of 8-10 feet.

I have taken several courses in firearm safety and I visit the range regularly with my pistols. There will always be bad guys who prey on those more helpless and I certainly don't plan on being a victim.

Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?


"id love to get you in the ring down my local boxing club and show how to fight like a real man, you john wayne loving fag."

I fully admit, I'm out of shape and not a good fighter, and you would more likely than not, kick my ass in the ring.

Now, why don't you make that boastful claim to one of those L.A. gang members trying to rob or kill you? Call it a hunch, but I don't think he's going to give a $hit about your opinion and isn't going to put down his gun to "fight like a real man" and will probably shoot you for insulting him. Criminals don't care much for fighting fair or "like a real man". That's the reason I like being able to keep a gun.

"Evidently, madam, you and I differ greatly in our conception of beauty."


Very nice analogy my man, unfortunately these people dont respond to logic, and resort to name calling and personal attacks, but I enjoyed it.


I'll never understand the logic behind gun control laws. Who are the ones using guns illegally? Criminals. Annnnnd...what criminal will be stopped because 'owning guns is against the law'?


The logic is that if you can buy a gun fairly easily, then there is a good chance any twisted psycho can do it. I believe that´s one of the reasons why guns are banned frm civilian usage in most countries of Europe, whereas we don´t have quite the same quantity of school or theater shootings or homicides by firearm - sometimes even labelled as "accidentally" (Travyon Martin someone..).
NRA lovers claim that guns don´t kill, people do ; except people without guns kill less. As Giamatti points out in STU, "Thy sure do help !"

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


You're pathetic. Willing to throw a fellow American under the bus to suck up to the "sophisticated, intellectual" Europeans, right?

Scotty, I would happily be judged by your post.


41. Every civilized nation with more gun control than the USA has FAR fewer deaths by gun, period. This includes all of Europe and much of the Far East, Australia and Canada. Even much of the third world, including South America minus Colombia, Venezuela and Peru, which are all awash in firearms (many from the USA) have lower gun murder rates than the US.

42. When the USA invades or peacekeeps a nation, the first thing they do is start a gun turn-in program. Removing guns from the population is a PROVEN method of getting past war and violence.

43. American, and UK mercs and gun dealers are responsible for much of the gun death in unstable parts of the world by importing and dealing firearms and drugs there.

44. Thanks for posting your stale political concepts that don't support your personal gun fantasies on a movie board.

45. This movie is an abomination of irresponsible treatment of firearms, which kill people in America on an ongoing highly elevated and unnecessary basis.

46. The only reason gun control is pointless is because liberals needs guns to protect them from right-wing fascists, racists, child predators and gun-nuts.


41.) Good point, except the important part this argument always leaves out is how the places within the US that have the lossest gun laws have the lowest gun crime, period. The places in the US which the strictest gun laws have the highest, period.

42.) WRONG. The US has allowed Iraqi civilians to own firearms, albeit in limited number, since the occupation began.

43.) Only proves my point. Gun dealers who deal ILLEGALLY.

44.) No problem. It's a public board for posting, and I can post whatever the hell I want. Don't like it? Don't read it.

45.) Yes, people in the places in America with the strictest gun laws.

46.) Funny you should mention racists. That was the original purpose of gun control; keeping black slaves in line, and then used after slavery to keep blacks disenfranchised. Hard to protect yourself against a lynch mob when you can't get a gun. Child predators? Agreed 100%. You never know how big or strong they're going to be. I guess if I can't fight one off with my bare hands, I guess it's my fault if my kid get molested for not staying in shape, right? Gun nuts? Like the ones at Columbine, Luby's Cafeteria, and Virginia Tech, who were given a lot of nice, unarmed victims thanks to gun control? I agree. It would have been nice if they could have defended themselves.

"Evidently, madam, you and I differ greatly in our conception of beauty."


47) im assuming those stats all had a similar crime rate to be compared with. And it couldnt possible be the reason why those states had the strictest gun laws is because THEY ALLREADY HAD THE HIGHEST GUN CRIME YOU MORON. there are areas with proportional high and low gun within in the uk, and we have the same law everywhere.

49) since 1960 1.5 million americans have died in the U.S due to guns. In the U.K its less than 8 thousand.

48) 500 people will dies in gun accidents alone this year in the U.S. many will include children.

49) the majority of mass shooting sprees are carried out legal guns. and in america there is pretty much every month.

50) national gun control works FACT


Yeah, it works especially well if you're a criminal looking for unarmed victims.

"And it couldnt possible be the reason why those states had the strictest gun laws is because THEY ALLREADY HAD THE HIGHEST GUN CRIME YOU MORON."

And gun control obviously didn't stop it.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


national gun control
duz work
butwhat is the result that is sought after
more burgleries?
more rape?
More full auto totin thugs of the state
bully the weak
mo govern-mental armed sots taking yer land
taken das kindt

Ja richtig ist

trust the state 2 do the rite thang

fur den staat

Alles fur den staat

return 2 caesar that which belongs 2 caesar

so so luv the states

Ja, ja, ja, so, no rilly - wait, what?


All gun control laws do is make law abiding citizens criminals for wanting to protect themselves and their families. And it makes them sitting ducks for the real criminals who wish to do them harm.

As a dad with 4 daughters and a son, I want them to be able to protect themselves if they should ever be confronted by someone who wants to do them harm. That is why from an early age, they have been around guns and have been taught gun safety. Since all but one(she's just 16) are over 18 years of age, they have their own personal firearms which they carry for defense and target practice only. My wife and I can sleep safely at night knowing that if they are ever called on to protect themselves or their families or complete strangers, they have all the tools necessary to do so. It doesn't guarantee that they wont become crime victims but it sure as Hell levels the playing field against those who wish to do them harm.

To the idiot who said he'd rather have a sword than a gun, this is why you're an idiot.

My Tae Kwon Do instructor tells me I'm just two moves away from becoming quite threatening!


If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


41. The part about South America is a lie. Gun control is very strict in Brazil and the murder rate is many times higher than US. On the other side, Paraguay and Uruguay have way more firearms and way less murders.

42. " Removing guns from the population is a PROVEN method of getting past war and violence." ... sucessfully used by Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez. In fact, a dictator who does not remove guns from the population is very hard to find.



Interesting post and interesting to see how divided everyone is on this.

I did just want to point out something, the National Guard is a state organization. Yes, part of the their budget comes from the Federal DOD budget, but part also comes from the local states. In fact, the Commander in Chief of each state's guard is the governor of that state, not the President. Also, the land most of the armories is on is state-owned land. That's why local schools, kid's groups and community organizations are often allowed to work in sharing agreements. If that was federal property they'd have to get DOD authorization to be there. Just wanted to point that out since many people don't understand the difference between the National Guard and the Federal Reserves.


Sarcastic realism continued:

41. Criminals with guns don't follow laws, so...
42. Disarming the public for self-defense will be safer.
43. Outlaw knives too. Use hands & spoons instead, for food preparation.
44. Let only those with an extra $1,000+ protect themselves.
45. The gangs, drug trade, murder & such are due to guns, not the villains.
46. Be like Mexico where guns are illegal & there are many murders.
47. Outlaw large capacity magazines, because mass murders don't have 2 seconds to change cartridges.

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