MovieChat Forums > Juno (2007) Discussion > Diablo Cody should burn

Diablo Cody should burn

Just watched this movie for the first time:

I now hate Ellen Page as an actor because Diablo Cody's detached, unrelatable hipster dialogue made her unbearable to watch/listen to.

And I now want to bring warm to Diablo Cody because she is by far the worst writer of this generation and has no idea how to make a 16 y.o. who talks like a obnoxious ungrateful 40 y.o., believable as a real character.

Brooke "Diablo Cody" Busey, please go back to stripping and phone sex. That is what you're best at.

If I don't reply to your post, it means i don't care. If I do reply...I'm just bored.





I agree that the dialogue is horrible and it takes some effort not to dislike Ellen Page when exposed to her character talking like this for 1 and a half hours. Watching other films of hers helps like her again though. (Inception, for instance)

Diablo Cody may be a bad writer, but bringing up her sex work past in a negative way to add more credibility to your criticism of her is counter productive and boring. She's a bad writer because her writing is self-indulgent and ultimately devoid of substance. People like you who speak as if sex work marks a person forever and makes them somehow inferior annoy me, because you put me in the position of defending people like Diablo Cody, when we could all just focus on how terrible her writing is.


But sex work almost makes you a prostitute.


Some of us have the opinion that being a prostitute can be a form of employment, and the shame and stigma associated with it are unnecessary when the worker wants to be involved in this line of work. This opinion is still unpopular, but the opinion that prostitutes are somehow lesser beings whose reputation can never recover, is also an opinion.


Oh for CRIPE'S sake, form of employment my ass.


The oldest form of employment


Hating a real life person (or profession) for not liking a character played by that person, or made up by the writer, actually means both the writer and the actor did a fine job.

I know you won't react because you are all cool. Just try to revisit your posts when you are grown up.


what the BLOG are you talking about??


OP is a misogynist POS


Wow, trashy AND stupid comment OP. Way to go.
