MovieChat Forums > Ex Machina (2015) Discussion > Mauler needs to make an analysis of this

Mauler needs to make an analysis of this

I recently found a youtuber called 'Mauler'. I think he stylizes his name in some weird way, and does some 'podcasts' and streams and such.

I was surprised as to how he simultaneously cuts 'to the chase' and talks very openly and directly, using even rough insults when appropriate, and yet at the same time, does a very detailed analysis with always bringing up good points that the moviemakers didn't seem to have thought about.

Now, he can be a bit long-winded, making about six (6!)-hour video on one movie - I don't think I have ever seen anyone else reach quite that mark before - but he doesn't waste your time with useless filler, pretty much everything he says is on point and poignant to the criticism of a movie's stupidity and things that make no sense.

This particular movie is so stupid on so many levels, just so people can admire some 'cool visual effects' (I can't bring myself to use the acronym 'CGI', because in MY day (imagine some grumpy geezer voice here), CGI meant 'Computer Graphics Integrated', now it seems to mean something like 'Computer-Generated Imagery' or whatnot).

I possibly hate that term more than the terms 'film', 'tape' and 'record' used when there's absolutely no film, tape or record used. I don't get why people cling to inaccurate terminology, when accurate terminology exists - it's as if people's minds are built upon lies in this wretched world, so they don't mind lying on every level possible.

You don't 'record' something with a digital camera, you don't 'roll the tape' in a youtube video, you don't 'film' someone using a digital camera, and most movies these days are definitely not 'films', since - as should be obvious by now - no film was used.

In any case, maybe I am waffling due to not wanting to even think about this mess of a movie. From the nonsensical security system, to the 100% JOCK THUG presented as a nerd (put glasses on him and he's a nerd? Clark Kent is more believable than this thug!), ANYONE with even mediocre intelligence DOUBTING their 'humanity' (although only the most animalistic part, for some reason) to the point of damaging their physical body..

..not to mention how INCREDIBLY stupidly those robots were programmed. A robot shouldn't change its programming just because another robot whispers something into its ear, no matter what that something is. Also, it's not really an ear, is it? It's more like a microphone that captures audio that's then interpreted by the program.

Also also, a robot shouldn't be able to kill a human being in any case, not only because their programming prohibits it, but also because they'd be manufactured to be relatively slow, weak, and 'shut-downable' for the lack of a better term. There should ALWAYS be multiple ways of shutting down a robot INSTANTLY, and any 'genius' would definitely build these features in a 'hardwired' way that can't be bypassed except by physically rewiring something.

Safety of a situation where a bipedal robot can handle friggin' KNIVES (Why even have such things accessible to robots, instead of under a lock and key? Why not limit the areas where the robots can go? (There has to be 87 different ways of doing this)) would realistically be the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT thing anyone would do.

If there's even a minuscule chance of being locked up in a house that has these bipedal robots roaming 'freely', no one in their right mind would leave that to chance.

The core 'twist' and whatnot is pretty interesting, but I find it hard to swallow that even the 'thirstiest simp' on the planet would fall so hard for a dang robot. A human being, woman, girl, guy, even animal, yes. But a robot that has no life energy, has no soul, has no proper, actual personality, ... no. Just a big NO.

Kyle Reese falling for a photo of a man-faced hag is more believable than anything 'romantic' in this movie.

It's like falling in love with a coffee maker just because it's programmed to talk to you and has a photo of the face of some woman printed on its side. It makes no sense.

This is definitely one of those movies, where many nonsensical things HAVE to happen just 'so that the movie can happen'. That's the reason for so many stupidities in so many movies.

Could someone on this planet learn to write a story that DOES NOT rely on stupidity of the plot, story, characters, villains, protagonists, etc. to make the story happen? Just once? Please?
