MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > Racist Nietzsche's quote

Racist Nietzsche's quote

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

So they used a quote from a racist philosopher to sound profound. This movie was LAME.


Nietzsche was not a racist. Just read the staff before you make any biased conclusions...


Before talking *beep* you should know more about Nietzsche instead.


illiterate, uninformed, lemming...then again, you'll fit in perfectly at imdb.


I would tell you the whole story but I might puke if I did. --Holden Caulfield



Yep, it was Nietzche's sister who was an anti-semitic and handled his papers and promoted his writing after he died (and before that when Nietszche started to mentally breakdown).



"A lot of famous people had some bad qualities" One of those was Winston Churchill, who was an out-and-out racist, colonialist pig! And yet he is still quoted favourably, because of his role in providing leadership to the UK during WW2. Churchill only opposed the Nazis, when they attacked Britain. Before that, he didn't really denounce them. Anyway, his views of Africans, Indians and Irish were repulsively racist. Hmmmm, does it take a racist to oppose another racist(Hitler). One hopes not!


The quote is relevant and significant, and not racist.

So - what's the problem ?


I second that. He lived in different times and although we frown upon such thinking today, at least he didn't dress in silly white robes and chanted white supremacy rhetoric, something which escapes even some of the modern day simians we call people.

The quote is one of my favorites because of the simple truth in it.

He who spends all day finding racism in benign or arbitrary elements should see to it that he himself does not become racist or prejudiced.


"So they used a quote from a racist philosopher to sound profound."

It's a shame to write such a sentence. Even a racist philosopher may have said some good stuff, right?


"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."

It seems like this is one of the most repeated Nietzche quotes of all time. Anyone know any others?


It seems like this is one of the most repeated Nietzche quotes of all time. Anyone know any others?

"You're a disease & I'm the cure."



yeh well yah know, that's just like your opinion man...............


Wow. That was stupid. Even for imdb.


jogar084 shut up *beep* ass hole

