MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > Claire Danes In This Movie

Claire Danes In This Movie

I've seen her in a few other movies and I know she is normally not a bad actress. That is not the case in the Flock. She is so completely miscast that it took me out of the movie. I understood that her character was new to the job and a little naive, but she just came off as extremely dumb. I never felt at any point during the movie that she really even attempted to become her character. The faces she would make when she was trying to look serious made me laugh a couple of times during the movie. Her personality just doesn't fit this type of movie.

The Flock is not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination but it did have any interesting concept to work with. The scene in the s&m house was some of the worst acting and directing I've seen in any movie that was meant to be sent straight to video. It's hard to believe the director made the excellent movie Infernal Affairs.



There was something really off about her performance to me. When I first watched it I just thought she was overplaying her characters naiveté. I'm not sure if "Jesus" was overdubbed by someone else but she said it way too much. That was her response in almost every single dramatic moment in the movie.


re-editing any movie to make it look like "Domino" is a big freakin mistake IMO.
Lau's film was butchered to the point of no return..


I've seen her in a few other movies and I know she is normally not a bad actress.

I've seen many of her movies, and I've never seen her turn in an above average performance. I even liked Stardust a lot, but she was its weakest link (and the awful Sienna Miller was in that movie for godsakes!)

Make a movie at


I loved her in "Little Women". Thought she did a really nice job of playing Beth. And if you watch "Shopgirl" I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. But, yes, I do think she was miscast here.

You know the sound of wind rushing through treetops? That's my signature.


Claire's manic facial expressions played against Gere's cooolness...



She was truly awful.
