MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > A treat for Karla Homolka ?

A treat for Karla Homolka ?

Her kind of flick? She got away with the same kind of thing. Thanks to the idiocies of the Canadian legal system.


I thought the same thing.

Canadians let a woman, who let her husband rape a sodomize her sister, and then killed her, accidentally, by giving her the wrong doses of Halothane and Halcyon, who dismembered a young girl, and raped three women, get out of prison in 12 years.

The woman in this movie reminded me exactly of Karla Homolka. Worse than her husband.


I agree. What a horror for the families of their victims to have to live with. It's a wonder to me that one of the victims' family members hasn't found her and exterminated her yet.

You know the sound of wind rushing through treetops? That's my signature.


I hear she moved to some island nation in the Caribbean. Otherwise, I think she would be in danger if she stayed in Canada. And to think she is the mother of a small child. Sick!


Correction: She raped her sister as well, not going to go into details.
She's currently in Montreal, Quebec, after we gave her an Ivey-league education in jail FOR FREE paid out of our pockets. The legal system here is a joke.


That was a total copy of the Bernardo/Homolka case, right down to the wedding photos and the "racoon eyes" on Viola from the beatings her husband gave her, identical to the photo of Karla.

"If girls are made of sugar and spice, how come they smell like Tuna Fish!?". Il Duce, RIP


Now that you say that, you are right. I remember that whole thing with the photos. What a F'd up woman she must be. I don't give a rat's ass what your husband does or what he threatens. She wasn't imprisoned and could come and go as she pleased. Your own sister for Christ's sake? I feel so sorry for the rest of her family. How can they cope with such a horrible thing.


I think her family disowned her. She lives under an assumed identity. She did 12 years in Min' Sec'. She had a smart lawyer and was able to cut a deal before the cops found out that she was more complicit than they originally thought. Also, her testimony was the only way to convict Bernardo. Combine that with liberal Canada and she's a free woman today. I really don't think she'll kill again. Bernardo was the perpetrator, although she deserves to be punished.

"If girls are made of sugar and spice, how come they smell like Tuna Fish!?". Il Duce, RIP



What a shame she's so darn hot!

"Well, how was it?".
"It was degrading, humiliating, emasculating... and somewhat enjoyable".
