This movie sucked.

Although my girlfriend disagrees, I disliked this movie a lot. They just showed a screening of it in LA, a *really* advanced screening, and they had us stick around afterward to get our opinions and stuff.

I thought the movie was too much like Seven, and I wasn't the only one who thought so at the end. The common complaint about the movie was that it didn't know what genre it was in, whether it was a light or dark movie, whether it was a drama/thriller or a Saw-like intense horror movie. It definitely leans more towards drama/thriller, but the movie just seemed undecided as to what it was overall. They had like 20 people stay afterward for the opinion talk, I have to say it was pretty diverse. Some said it was too gory, some said not enough, some said it was slow, some said fast, some said boring, exciting, and so on.

As it is now, the movie will do "aight," maybe better than aight with Richard Gere at the helm, but honestly this movie was just boring. There was an option on the survey at the end that I checked off and circled and wrote "Seven" next to, and that was "This movie was unoriginal/been done before."



How was Claire Danes performance?

I loved Seven so the comparison is a compliment as long as it's not an exact copycat of that film.

Thanks for sharing even though you didn't like it.


did Avril do good in her scene? Don't say no just because you might not like Avril... be honest.


Avril did a decent and i dont know how to say this........ "Avril-like" seen, she did an alright job, nothing to rave about though.


I have a feeling I was at that screening with you and I think the movie rocked. It did resemble Seven, but it was definitely not a copy-cat. I think it was perfect the way it is, I hope they dont "nice-i-fy" it too much before its released. Just goes to show how different peoples taste in movies can be.



Did Avril Have a name or was she billed as Young Woman?


umm i am not sure if Avril's character had a name...... i cannot remember. I dont think she did, she actually hardly said a word in the movie, she laughed and i think may have said an entire sentence. Like I said her acting was hard to evaluate in the short time she was on screen.


Claire was amazing in my opinion, she made me really believe in her character, who was far more multi-faceted than I had expected. She is convincing in her lack of over-reacction, she plays the character as it deserves to be played. Allison Laurie is a real person you would expect to take the job at the department of public safety, thats one of the many reasons i love this film, you can really and honest to god BELIEVE in each of these characters, they are so well crafted and scripted that they actually seem like real people, which i think lends the main "scare-factor" to the movie. i dunno i rambled sorry :)


It's good to hear that Claire Danes gives yet another brilliant performance. Everytime I see her in a movie, I feel for her character. Great acting skills..


I agree. I'm a pretty big fan. Nearly every single movie I have seen her in, she brings a lot of depth to her character, sheerly in the delivery. Great actress.


I've never seen a bad performance from CD. She'll win an Academy Award one day.

"Everything is safe till it goes wrong" - Joe Simpson, "Touching the Void" - book only.



I want to see this movie so abd but is it really rated R? Claire Danes is a DEFINITE favorite of mine and I can't WAIT to see this movie!


It's been three years and nine days since my original post. I was just browsing my post history when I saw I wrote this, yet if you ask me right now to name ONE character name or plot point in this movie, I couldn't do it. What was this movie about again? lol. Pretty interesting to make a follow-up to an opinion from three years ago. Just goes to show exactly how little of an impression this movie made on me.
