MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > What's the point in.. *spoiler*

What's the point in.. *spoiler*

What's the point in seeing Babbage hitting some of the offenders (Groomes)?
Sure Babbage is way diffrent then the other people who also have a job like
him at his office.. but in the movie it has no purpose. You don't see him getting caught for it, or the people beaten up in a killer spree for revenge.

So what is the point, in showing Babbage hitting some of the offenders?
Thank you.


This is a very good film, first of all. The point is to show Babbage as a possible perpetrayor. This is the sort of dark film "a la 'Seven'". BTW, there was one stolen (yes) scene from "Seven" in the same surroundings and with Gere acting very much like Pitt, they both had a gun in one hand, they both were in crisis because could not make up their minds whether if to shoot the pointed person (actually guilty), they were both filmed from a plane, they were both in a sort of desert. Babbage's violend behavior and unorthodox methods of interviewing suspects make him a believable character as quilty himself. Furthermore, I really liked that such a convulsioned personality as Gere's character could not really get into a sexual/emotional relationlship with Clare Danes' "Allison". The editing, the shaking camera, the colors coming in and of sepia and B&W provide the almost dreamy or "stoned" quality of texture aimed by the Director. Thus, some issues are left unanswered simply because such answer is not yearned by the Director. If the viewer does, well, let (s)he be his/her own answering element.


we learn that he has been fired from his job because he cannot follow protocal and also because some of the offenders he is in charge of have got together and complained about him and his tactics

so by showing him assulting the offenders we see him decompensating as the pressure of the job gets to him and his disgust for the offenders reaching breaking point

it backs up the storyline, quite simple if you payed attention

you can't spell slaughter without laughter...



It's because he got off on beating people over whom he had power. He knew they were sex offenders, so who would listen to them? Besides, they won't talk since they know he'll lie and give a bad report about them if they do. So he roughs up the ones he meets personally and occasionally goes out in a mask to beat them up. He even mentions that his new partner doesn't know the sex offenders "really" because they lead double lives. Well, she doesn't know him well either because he leads a double life, too. He just hasn't been caught.


Babbage hits them because he has come to hate them. He has come to believe all these offenders are worthless, recidivist scum. So he hits them. It is illegal for him to do and says a tremendous amount about his character, where he is at mentally, etc.
