Gere's car

Can someone tell me where I can buy a car like Gere's in this movie? The nasty lady says "It's time" but he is able to drive from a deserted desert house to a town therapy group and back out to the place the girl is being abused before they even make the first cut.

There mustn't have been a window left in town when he broke the sound barrier.


Sometimes in film, they choose to present it to you in a non-chronological order or the events are not synchronized. This is done to create suspense, and give you a feeling they might not make it in time.


Really? Wow, after over 40 years of watching films I hadn't realised that!

Joking aside, it seriously didn't work in this film (if that's what they were trying to do).


I nominate thetrev for silliest comment on this board. Congrats. LOL
