MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > The world is a dangerous place!

The world is a dangerous place!

So we all need avengers and punishers, and people who are not afraid to take the law into their hands, to protect us from perverts, rapists, serial killers, terrorists, frustrated former employees carrying shotguns, thieves, gang members, drug dealers, wife-beaters, juvenile delinquents, arabs, mexicans, colombians, russians, indonesians, micronesians, extra terrestrials... etc.... etc.... There are so many sick people out there that it seems there aren't enough guns, prisons, cameras, or cops to protect us all! LOL

Every creature on this earth dies alone.


As a lifelong journalist, I can tell you there are more sickos out there than you may realize. The latest trick among those convicted of sexual offenses is to change their names and then fail to re-register as sex offenders. The state and often the public then loses track of them, and they can resume their "games." You may not realize it, but the flood into this nation of immigrants, many of them illegals and many from south of the border, is causing the nation's violent crime stats to go through the roof after years of relative peace and calm. These stats usually involve rape, torture and murder.


I hope you aren't serious. For your sake.

Oh, and what stats are those again?


The comments about illegal immigrants in the context of a discussion of sex abusers is wrong. Americans are well aware of this issue and know the stats offered by this poster are not true. Americans are not that easily led down a racist path by someone like the poster.


Yes, I believe that. I'm not one to indulge in generalizations :) The OP stands alone in his ignorance and bigotry.


My "ignorance"?
When compared to you, Afaithiv, who apparently thinks that the increase of violent crimes in the U.S can be conveniently attributed to the constant flow of illegal immigrants who cross the border, I think I've got a clearer picture, and thankfully, a clearer mind and a much less aggressive ideology.

Every creature on this earth dies alone.


@ Igoresse: Sorry, I misunderstood your initial post, man; the sarcasm didn't come through. I'm with you 100%.


Afaithiv, don't worry I'm hoping the OP was using sarcasm and satire. Because if s/he really thinks that it's everyone else's fault that wherever s/he lives isn't safe, instead of her/him not doing something to actively change it for the better, like oh, I dunno getting together a neighborhood watch, working at a shelter for the homeless, or answering phones at a domestic violence or suicide hotline then all her/his talk about the 'morbid state of society' is pretty shallow.
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

Footnotes, sources & references are omitted in this work.
Educated people will not need them, uneducated people will not read them.
~St. Francis de Sales


Refeerf, of course the comments about Illegal Immigrants being worse sex abusers is wrong. I mean the statistics are based on people that the government can actually count for one..and if the person is illegal, it usally means the government doesn't know about them, so they can't be part of the collected data. The OP and would be 'life long journalist' really seem to be saying bigoted things that are not only racist, they're also just ludicrious.
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

Milosevic. Fujimori. Bush. Obama: Pioneers in electoral inovation.


Igoresse, I've heard frustrated former employees go postal..but I had no idea they were so STRONG they could carry thieves, gang members, drug dealers, wife-beaters, juvenile delinquents and Immigrants-I assume you meant the illegal ones in particular, because you couldn't possibly mean the ones that have actually emigrated here and are now naturalized citizens and pay taxes.

And even Extra terrestrials? Would those be the ones that are 'among us'-or just the ones that abduct people and perform random anal probings?

Do they carry all those people all at the same time? Or do they bring them in in groups? Or do they just go alphabetically? No wonder they're frustrated they probably needed to wear a back brace.
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

THE love of one's country is a splendid thing,
but why should love stop at the border?
~Pablo Casals


Didn't you take our meds today?

Every creature on this earth dies alone.


Igoresse, No actually I didn't, thanks for the reminder man!
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

That's why I only kill 1 or 2 people a month these days...
~PscarpelliNeutral responding to:
'Drugs aren't bad & guns don't kill people, people do.. Moderation is key'


"The world is a dangerous place!"
There is a good way to go through life, in fear. Life is too short to worry about all the potentials in life; life is meant to explore the things you love, create, and connect not about living in fear. That is my profound message of the day.
