MovieChat Forums > The Flock (2007) Discussion > Call me stupid, but the very ending.....

Call me stupid, but the very ending.....

Sorry in advance if this has been addressed and I've missed it, BUT, I watched this movie yesterday and the ending left me thinking Babbage had a daughter that was one of the victims. I'm getting that from his extreme intensity in getting to the truth and the very end when he's alone and looks at a photo of (can't remember exactly)an ex-wife and two daughters (?), along with his reaction when he saw the buried skull. IS it possible he had a daughter murdered by the perp. and that's what drove him nearly to the brink of madness? Thanks for any feedback!

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke


If I got it right, it was not his family but another family which he felt very sorry for, which we saw in the beginning of the film. The problem is that Babbage had been on the job so long that he had become a little bit insane. We, the audience, were supposed to have felt sympathy for him and gotten into his brain and emotions, and in so doing, we were supposed to understand him and sympathize and go along with his insanity. But it didn't work. We didn't care about Babbage because he was totally unsympathetic. we thought he was just crazy and would not have been surprised, based on his bizarre behavior throughout the film if he turned out to be the perp. This is typical Hollywood which demands far to much suspension of disbelief from us just for the sake of them wanting to indulge in spectacular or bizarre melodrama. I'm sure everyone was disgusted by how he messed up the crime scenes and didn't call the cops for help. But Hollywood figured if the cops were called, then the so-called suspense at the end would be obviated. All they really accomplished was to make the film silly and unbelievable. Poor Clare Danes, who is a good actress and gave it her best, was perplexed by a role that basically didn't make sense, so she came off inconsistent in her motivations and looking stupid. She deserves better.


tcab, thanks so much for your reply and for setting the record straight for me. You are quite the whiz! I think you summed up the movie correctly. Normally I would record and keep a 'suspense' movie, esp. involving Gere and Danes, but I actually had to watch it twice in an attempt to understand what the hell was going on. I completely agree with you about Danes....she is excellent in everything she does and this movie certainly didn't do her justice. I appreciate you clearing it up for me (and in a nice way...;-). Thanks!

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke


Good call, tcab. I'm not sure what this movie was aiming for, but it definitely missed the mark.
