Avril Lavigne nude?

Please tell me Lavigne WILL NOT be nude in this movie. I've been looking forward to this film, but seeing that crack whore naked would certainly ruin it for me. Thanks.


Nopes she's not nude in the movie. She has a very small role....a few lines.


thank you!


IMO she wouldn't have saved this benign thriller even if she was naked.


Well, Lavigne is WAY too cool to do something like be nude in a weird thriller movie. I want to watch this for one reason: Lavigne. I'm sure the movie will be good, but if she isn't in it enough, I won't like it as much. HAHA


She is a pathetic little chipmunk - faced f===
and all of her songs suck except maybe for the first one, when she wasnt bitchin around like nowadays, opposed to the previous claims, that she is not that britney-spears-type-attention b!!!! with no voice at all and dumb songs =)



What makes her a crackwhore?
Are you mistaking her for your mother?

The 21st century is when it all changes


She might not be a crack whore, but she's ugly as one. In fact, I've seen some crack whores better looking than her.


what the flock?
