
When I started watching this movie, I expected to hate it, after reading all the reviews on here, but I was actually pleasantly surprised!
I mean, the movie wasn't a masterpiece, but I found it compelling.

I thought the way the movie was shot was wonderful! I liked how the editing was very choppy; it almost made me dizzy! I thought this was very realistic though, seeing how Richard Gere's charcter's life was spinning out of control. Speaking as someone who's first job was working with neglegted children, I can understand the dizzy feeling. The feeling of seeing horrible things everyday, and feeling powerless to do anything. I could feel his pain, at not being able to save every girl from a horrible fate.

I hope people will give the movie (at least) a chance:)


The pledge depected this a lot better i thought.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
