'At the Hands of Persons Unknown'

I first found out about the senseless killing of Emmett Louis Till while reading "At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America." I had to put this book down often while reading, whether blinded by the tears or just in need of time to absorb the brutality of the events from recounted in its pages. If this film interests you, then this book may as well.


yeah, after you've read this, then looked at all the crap that came out during the Katrina disaster, you'll find that racism is alive and well in the 21st Century. Useage of the internet makes it more convenient and easier to conceal because of its anonimity.



"Who would live below sea level surrounded by a levy built to withstand a small hurricane? "

Americans like you and me, period. Human beings live in some places you wouldnt live in. That doesnt mean you wouldnt help them. Suppose a disaster happened in your area?



<i>"I do not expect the government to come to my rescue."</i>

Good, cause from the looks of it you'd be *beep*


well I guess black people aren't smart then. because I am sure they live in those ghettos by choice. but then you wouldn't know about the ghettos of New Orleans because the media primarily covered the houses and distruction caused in the suburbs. perhaps the blacks should build and live in nice neighborhoods using their riches from the compensation they gained for their 100's of years of slave labor. in fact that's exactly what I will suggest to them.

it is unfortunate you don't get it. the privilaged generally don't. it's why we live in a world where there are more than enough resources for everyone yet ninety percent of the world population lives in poverty. ninety percent of the worlds wealth belongs to 1 percent of the worlds population.

you see the southern mentality dominates the world today. it is one of entitlement. it is one that believes in conquering and colonising countries where people are different (eg: native americans, south americans, africans, aboriginees , etc.). As a result these peoples and cultures are on there last legs and will soon become extinct. survival of the fittest i hear you say. perhaps. but if the fittest continue the way they are, with selfishness and self righteousness they'll detory themselves.

I don't blame you for not understanding or sypathising. how could you? you have never been on the receiving end, or been part of a culture that has had it's identity squashed. you have never stood on a corner and hailed a cab only for it to pass you and stop for the caucasian man standing five meters away from me. you have never been in job interview that was decide before you have even sat down. you have never lost your children to starvation. you have never lost your brother or father to dictatorship regimes supported by the west. you haven't heard stories of you grandfathers lynching over and over and over again. I could go on.

I am going to predict you'll simply go on the defensive after reading this posting. but i hope you prove me wrong, and make me look stupid by understanding the reality of the world. it's very scary if you're poor or not caucasian. a great resource is: informationclearinghouse.info there are many very informative documentaries on the bottom left handside. John Pilger: New Rulers of the World is a good one to start with.

good luck my friend.


For a tale of modern racism, see


a black man chased out of a white town in the 1990s.


I understand what you are saying but please don't act like if you're white life is easy and if you're black it's unbearable. People of all races have endured obstacles throughout history. Racism exists everywhere. Some whites don't trust blacks in many areas and some blacks don't trust whites. I work in a school that is 91% black and many students admit that racism is a two way street. Racism is a problem that needs to be eradicated. God created all of us in His image. Rodney King said it best "Can't we all just get along?" If we don't at least try to help one another, we are doomed.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


Quote: "I don't blame you for not understanding or sypathising. how could you? you have never been on the receiving end, or been part of a culture that has had it's identity squashed"

I've always thought that if I were an honest, decent black person, I wouldn't be upset with whites for the anger and fear they feel towards black people in general. But rather, I'd be upset with other blacks for instilling that anger and fear in white people. I can't even watch local news and haven't for years. I've travelled and lived in many cities throughout the USA and Canada and it's the same thing on the daily news no matter where you reside: somebody was shot, stabbed, beaten up, raped, robbed, there was a drive by shooting, a home invasion, gang or drug related violence. And invariably, there is in almost every case a picture of an ugly black face that assaults us on our television screens of either a person arrested, or suspected of the crime. Our prisons are over-crowded, busting at the seams predominantly with black people. No wonder I and many, many others are afraid of blacks and want nothing to do with them. They appear to be violent in nature, angry, unruly, without the ability to be civilized. Slavery was an atrocity. There have unfortunately been many atrocities throughout human history. In fact, no culture since the beginning of recorded time has been more victimized than the Jewish people. The blacks all-told have had it easy compared to the Jews, yet the Jews were intelligent enough to rise above it. When prejudice prevented Jews being hired for work, they created their own companies and put themselves to work. They were very successful in doing that. How do you begin to explain the position of blacks? If you want to talk about feelings of entitlement, the blacks are right up there at the beginning of the line, waiting with their hands out. Like it or not, here's the reality: the white race, in which I include the Jewish people, are superior to blacks. How do we know this to be a fact? Every major invention that has prospered man and advanced technology has come from the minds and hands of white people. White people travelled and colonized foreign continents, while the natives on those continents were still living in grass shacks and chucking spears for their dinner. If white people had not settled in those lands and left the natives to their own devices, those natives would still to be no further advanced to this day than they were. That's it in a nutshell. In the course of man's progress there have been some unfortunate consequences. But that progress was inevitable and there is much good that has come of it. And now, in 2009, we can turn on a TV and experience some angry black person lamenting on how hard-done-by he and other black people are, while he's sitting in a modern, climate-controlled studio, with his face and voice being broadcast around the world over satellite. When he leaves the studio, he no doubt gets into his climate-controlled car and returns to his climate-controlled home or office. He might even talk on his cell phone while he's driving. All of these amenities invented, created and developed by white people. Here is what I propose: all white people leave Africa at once and one-way tickets be provided to every black person in the world so that they can return to live in their own land. Whites leave them entirely alone to rise or fall on their own. Time would surely tell just how well black people would do without the influence of superior whites. It may seem horrible that whites dragged primitive blacks out of the jungles of Africa to use them as slaves. But that was a long time ago. There is nobody alive today who enslaved a black person, or who was a slave. People of my generation should not have to pay for this in any way - and frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it. It's time for angry black people to move on and make something of their own lives, if they're at all capable. They have the same opportunities as anybody else in this world and with reverse discrimination in the work-place even more so. Black or white, there is not a single person who escapes this world without battling some form of prejudice. Try being a divorced father fighting your ex-wife for custody of your children. You think a male parent battling a female parent has an even playing field in the family court system? He doesn't and that's a clear form of prejudice. A female practically has to murder, or attempt to murder her children before a male can hope to gain custody and even then the male has go to great lengths to prove it. You don't think losing your children in that way causes devastating pain? You could take the position of writing off the legal system and women in general. Or, you could realize that you married the wrong person and go out and find the right person to remarry and have another family with. The point is, we all suffer at times in life, in one situation or another and there are far too many examples to mention. But life goes on. Those who are successful and reasonably happy in life are those who press on with the life they've been given and endeavor to make something good out of it. Those who stand on the sidelines with their hands out, all the while bitching, whining and complaining about how hard-done-by they are, or worse stealing from and/or brutalizing other people who are trying to make something good of their lives, will never amount to be anything more than an ugly thorn in our society. Lastly, instead of blacks calling themselves African American, how about just being an American? It's obvious you're black by looking at you and/or listening to the sound of your voice. African American is a redundant reference that was clearly designed to be nothing other than divisive. How can blacks justify being deliberately divisive and then complain when they don't feel included, or treated like everyone else? Aside from being an American first, how about just being a decent person?

I apologize in advance if any of this begins to make too much sense.


"no culture since the beginning of recorded time has been more victimized than the Jewish people. The blacks all-told have had it easy compared to the Jews, yet the Jews were intelligent enough to rise above it. When prejudice prevented Jews being hired for work, they created their own companies and put themselves to work. "

BULLSH*T! "Jews" were restricted yes But NEVER had that little thing called Jim Crow Laws that prevented them (BY LAW) to own their own businesses or advance as a society because some white person could always feel threatened and put an end to that advancement.
NO Other Race on the Planet has gained status from Rape, Robbery and conquering others the way Whites have. Greece, The Roman Empire, England and every other European country is guilty of this. The parasites conquer and suck the life from ALL they infest, SOME Blacks of today may commit crimes but that is a learned response that comes from learning to survive in a world that doesn't want you to. Whites commit just as heinous crimes as well BUT the Jew owned media chooses not to highlight that. Serial Killers, Pedophiles and the like are almost exclusively "White" crimes.

Go back to Africa now that they have assisted in building the United States to what it is huh? No! We'd have to dismantle every aspect of this country and start over from square ONE in order for that to be a fair arrangement. IAll the major inventions came from whites huh? I could answer that But I'll let you drown in your own ignorance on that one.

"There is nobody alive today who enslaved a black person"
Maybe not, BUT there are those alive today who benefit from their ancestors who did! No debt should go unpaid.

But of course some will never be able to look beyond their own "Superior" self righteous noses to see that.



Pretty much of everything you wrote is a bunch of racist bull***. You act as if black people just brought everything upon ourselves---as if white people never had anything to do with it. Any American history book will tell you that you're full of s***. You also make it sound like only black people commit crimes----I guess you just conveniently ignored all the white people that you hear about committing crimes on the news practically every day. It was white people that started all this racist bull**** in this country to keep themselves on top, and a lot of them are still perpetuating that same racist discrimination and bull**** today. You are clearly blind (and racist) as hell to think that racism still isn't around today. Whatever---your whole post was nothing but one big stupid ignorant-as-hell racist rant, anyway.


It upsets me when people talk about racism and Hurricane Katrina. In my opinion, I think it boiled down to sheer ignorance, which shows no race. It's not like it was a fast moving or 'instant' drop out of the sky tornado, this is a storm that the country is aware of for days, weeks in advance. Yes, 30% of the people affected were African-American (compared to the national average of 13%), but New Orleans, Louisiana and frankly most of the South has a higher percentage of African-Americans than the rest of the United States. Every time there is a hurricane, people say, "I don't think it's going to be that bad so we are going to stay." Officials and volunteers used public buses, school buses or even volunteer vehicles to transport people out of the city to FREE shelters or volunteer centers, even churches far away, if they had no other place to go. Still people said they didn't want to leave. Or they waited until the last moment, panicked and thought, "Wow, this is pretty bad." Then, they went to the Superdome (and we all saw what a bad idea that was!)
This also happened most recently to a friend of mine living on Staten Island during Sandy. HOWEVER, several governors were on the news asking (or even telling)people that it was a huge storm and that it was a mandatory evacuation. Yet, days later, people were on the new upset that it was that big of a storm and that they need help. It takes time for the waters to recede and for volunteers and governments to mobilize.
As far as around the New Orleans area is concerned, parts of it are up to 7 feet below sea level (or more) and it continues to sink! The Corp of Engineers said it would cost (basically the American taxpayer) $38 million PER YEAR to maintain the levees and that is just basic maintenance not counting possible issues due to hurricanes. Who should foot this bill? I say - close the city, pay the citizens fair market value to relocate, etc and tell them to leave or they are on their own.
Several years ago in Southern California, there was a house on a cliff that was was very pretty and I am sure many people would have liked to live there. HOWEVER, studies by the 'powers that be' claimed the cliff was unsafe and issued evacuation orders, but being a 'free country' people did not do as requested. One day, the unthinkable happened (unthinkable, except to the people that told them it would happen.) One of the owners, a man was walking down the hill to get ice cream for his three daughters (I think this was the story - could be taking liberties here), as well as his wife. BOOM! Mudslide killing the wife and children. As tragic as that is (and it is a terrible story) at some point, people need to grow up and take responsibility for own actions and choices.


Verbal Goddess:

FYI, the governor of Louisiana had been asking for funds to get the dam fixed from the government, but, for some reason, she (or he) couldn't get them. Also, the last time the dam actually broke down and flooded anywhere in Louisiana was 1927. People had been evacuating for nearly 80 years,but nothing like a flood ever happened. So people decided that instead of evacuating all the time, they would just ride out the tornados,hurricanes or whatever. I will say that people in Oklahoma in the area where the tornados hit most of the time-----I've never understood why the hell is anybody living around there, yet nobody ever tells them to move the hell out of there. Yet everyone felt free to lambast the people of New Orleans who choose to stay, without bothering to find out WHY they stayed in the first place.


Ummm... people living in Amsterdam and these other places http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_places_on_land_with_elevations_below_sea_level



He is actully my first Cousin he new my auntie i wish i could of meet him. Why can black and white people live in peacet that encludes any races


"I prepare for the worst like a smart person would."

- Yeah. People on Flight 93 probably thought the same thing.




Amen. Why do we need to be black and white people living together when we can be just "people"?
