MovieChat Forums > Engrenages (2005) Discussion > anyone care about the baby??

anyone care about the baby??

Laure seems so reckless with her baby.

i am no means an anti abortionist but if she really did not want the child she should have aborted it as soon as she found out.

by delaying and delaying did she think the baby will 'disappear'

and then looking to get the abortion pill at 15 weeks?!?! has she read up about it? after 15 weeks te fetus is a baby, the abortion pill will not be effective and can cause terrible malformations

I think she is either very uncaring and selfish or just stupid....if she doesn't want the child then she should prioritize and sort it out.

it seems she thinks about the child now and again, takes no care (take supplements, good diet, basic maternity care) and had reckless regard for the child's welfare.

is she surprised the baby is getting older and bigger- well dur a pregnancy progresses each and every day!! she is really no better than a drinker or an addict who is pregnant, but thought she may be smarter and have more empathy.

it makes me sick to think she goes around trying to solve these murders but has no basic regard for her own child.


Yes, Laure is pregnant and has been her usual "bury herself in her work as the ultimate avoidance technique" to avoid her own life. Not a new thing for Laure.

However, this time, it's not just her. There is a second person who is going to suffer because Laure buries herself to the point of delusion in her work.

But let's not forget the state Laure is in, which would explain nearly everything you wrote about above Sunshine-pink.

Laure is reeling from the loss of Sami. She not coped at all (just as TinTin has not, because he's coming unglued too from his actions right before Sami's death).

Laure's in a state of grief, she's walking around in a haze, except for her work--and even that has suffered horribly, unlike before, when her personal life was messed up and dysfunctional, but she was 100 percent top notch on her job.

We've seen her faltering in the job big time. Her crew is at each other's throats and she's unable to bring them together, because she's such a mess--and the baby is just the thing that puts it over the edge. Because Laure was already a mess before she realized she was pregnant.

We saw Gilou trying to talk to her about it and have her actually get some feeling about it; but we saw her bat him back, because she doesn't want to TALK about the baby and make it "real." She wants it to be abstract so she doesn't have to deal with it as a person or something she has a responsibility to. She just wants it gone, because she can't operate on an emotional level right now. She's shut down totally after Sami.

So Gilou has stepped into the breach to run the crew for her pretty much, because she's incapable of doing her job well right now.

Laure's a mess. Her mind is unfocused, she was suffering so much from shock from the bombing and grief over Sami (whom I think she actually loved for once) that she wasn't even in touch with her cycles or anything.

She's been walking around like a zombie.

And she's still doing it. She keeps trying to get that abortion but cannot even manage to organize herself to get it done.

Sure she got off the train in that contrived moment when Blanco was suddenly reachable. But let's face it. Even though Djouli (sp?) said he'd only talk to Laure, she could have send Gilou.

But in her usual single-minded myopic Laure way, she thought SHE was the ONLY one who could do the job and meet about Blanco.

She's just not coping or dealing in reality---she's a totally screwed up mess.

That's what grief and PTSD does.


Wonderfull analysis!


Yes but I feel bad for the baby and Vincente Bremont, who is likely the father. Laure is so broken!


Broken yes, but what a wonderful character, and played so well by Caroline Proust.

Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy (Kacey Musgraves)


yes, she is wonderful as is Thierry Godard as Gilou. He is my favorite character....what about his tears at the end? it my imagination or is he in love with Laure?


Yes! Great scenes. As for Gilou and Laure, they are the kind of tv couple in which they seemed destined, because they are so unique and in their own ways troubled, that they are the only two people in the world who could actually make it together.

Each of them in their own ways, just won't be able to couple with somebody else. Their relationship would certainly be fraught and difficult, but for them it seems it's each other or nobody.

By the way, have you seen "Gilou" or Thierry in "Un Village Francais?" Though on MHZ Choice it's A French Village, of course.

His role there is really great--he has a lot of stuff he can do as an actor--playing a very interesting guy in the village during the German occupation during the war.

Thierry is good at those grey-area characters---not all good and not all bad. But good in reacting to circumstances that are complicated. Like Gilou and Monsieur Schwartz.
