
Have to say I'm underwhelmed. After excitedly waiting for the new season, the storyline isn't doing much for me. The theme of immigration this year isn't particularly interesting. Let's hope that they can really ratchet up the drama in the next few episodes.

PS can someone explain to me why Gilou chose to be a cop at all? He's clearly drawn to the underworld/organized crime. So why be a cop?



can someone explain to me why Gilou chose to be a cop at all? He's clearly drawn to the underworld/organized crime. So why be a cop?
Cops and criminals are opposite sides of the same coin. Why a person becomes one rather than another is probably a mixture of fortune, morality and fears. I think Gilou is attracted by the glamour and hedonism of the underworld. As Tintin comments later he's a hunter and perhaps there's more predation available in the criminal world, although there seems to be plenty going on in the police and judicial one we're watching!
The distance is nothing. The first step is the hardest.


Yeah...I've really been struggling through season 4, after having been totally engaged in seasons 1-3. I'm just not into the story arcs at all -- not the protestors, not the Kurds, not the judge, not Laure's new antagonistic boss, not Jorkal. The little fling between Pierre and Joesphine was a nice diversion, but aside from that this season just left me flat.

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)
