French police

Watching series 3 - the first of the 'Spiral' series I've seen.

I hope this isn't typical of French police: corrupt, *beep* up and incompetent.

(Despite that, it makes good television)


I saw an interview with Caroline Proust somewhere - she said it's very closely modelled on real cases & the police are big fans of the series. Just try not to get arrested in Paris, I guess...

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


"I hope this isn't typical of French police: corrupt, *beep* up and incompetent." Of course it could be, like in every countries; u can always found some cops like that (recently many of them was arrested (Lyon case)).
At least our Police do not open fire for anything, and do not empty 2 clips when the force is needed, and our judges do not lack integrity.
And to be fair i think French Police and British police are among the best.


I totally agree with you. I have been an attorney in France during many years and I know a lot of things about procedural and Police facts. Now I'm living in the US and I am staying there until 2015 for professional reasons. All I have to say is that the French Police is very efficient and gifted as well as the British Police. I don't have anything against American Police, they are good too and I won't say anything against them, because I don't know better and I don't speak about what I don't know;it's a lawyer's attitude: When I don't know a case or a situation I don't judge.
But all I can tell is that I, in many circumstances, had the occasion to get it and to appreciate the French Police. It's a very good Police, of course there are always bad seeds like in everything, but I persist and sign in my testimony! This is it. BTW, hello goer_le_renard and hello France!!!


What did you think about "The Tunnel?" It was great fun by posing the British police in tandem/opposition to French police whilst trying to solve the crime.

Some of the interactions were priceless, as written for the series....

I enjoyed how they portrayed each force thinking the others didn't work hard enough...ha.


Don't the French have some sort of APB system in place? How come Ronaldo's photo wasn't plastered all over the place? Given the heinous nature of his crimes one would think it wouldn't be so easy for him just to keep walking the streets of Paris, going in and out of shops, for days or weeks, without being recognized. (The only place he was spotted was at the graveyard, but that was it.) Where is the all out manhunt for such a notorious killer?

(And do they really only have 3 or 4 cars and a motorcycle to do all their surveillance/tailing? And that doesn't become OBVIOUS after a while?)

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)
