Season 1

I recently watched season 5 which I loved so I've just finished season 1. It's great to see from the start & I'll watch the next 3 seasons. I think season one was very good, but perhaps not as cohesive. I don't like to be spoon fed story lines so I didn't mind the unresolved story lines, but & I realise the police are very busy, maybe there were a couple too many? Sometimes it took me a bit to realise which case they were talking about, & then I'd realise it wasn't one that'd been introduced before. I think the camera work changes a bit before season 5.
I wondering was Prosecutor Karlson didn't tell her boss about the videoed confession exhonourating him if rape?


Yes I too did not follow that. She has some evil parts of her. Seems pretty spiteful to destroy that tape. So is she does tired of the way he treats her..or...what .? Maybe will come up in future seasons..I am only finished with 1.
