MovieChat Forums > Crank (2006) Discussion > In the end, was he falling..

In the end, was he falling.. a vacuum?

I also loved the smart and parodical commentary they made on so many movies and tv shows using Google Earth like it was a cool thing to do.

"This... is my Boomstick!" -Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams


google earth lol out of control


They had him on wires.



That's what usually happens when you fall out of a chopper and come down with a thud.

"Look upwards and share the wonders I have seen" John Crichton, Farscape


This didn't diminish my enjoyment of the movie at all --actually made it better-- but just some knowledge for anyone that cares about fun facts.

Terminal velocity free-falling horizontal humans fall at about 127 Mph.

Any skydiver can tell you that it's not really possible to talk on a phone in freefall, you have to shout just to hear a person a few feet away, signals are better. Go riding with a friend at 120 when nobody is around and stick your head out the window and imagine making a phone call. Your clothes flap much more violently too, any motorcycle riders? Going even 70 with a loose jacket and it whips so bad in the wind it literally stings.

It's odd though, skydiving as much as I've been if you stick your ear towards the ground it's like the wind stops to a cool breezy sound. Of course it wouldn't stop hitting a microphone unless you found some aerodynamic void.

I like when he hacks dudes hand off with the cleaver... "yeah you like that? how fu$kin awesome was that?" lol.


He died in the doctor's office while having lucid dream. Last part of the movie is different: weird decorations, weird shot angles, different FOV.
He's got different clothes, his injuries are gone. He teleports to the gallery right after kissing his girlfriend. Some people are moving like they are on drugs, some people are not moving at all (reporter, some mobsters). 30 Chinese mobsters appear out of thin air point blank on the roof. And finally, that fall from the helicopter in zero-gravity and a phone call.
