MovieChat Forums > Dan in Real Life (2007) Discussion > Dan's family: shallow, insipid and fake

Dan's family: shallow, insipid and fake

A crossword competition? With loud cheering when someone gets a word right? A group talent night complete with full makeup?? An aerobics workout that seems obligatory for young to middle-age family members?? Please...

Well, the film was produced by The Walt Disney Company (Touchstone imprint), not known for their ultrarealistic approach to domestic dramas.

Note how the more in-depth and intimate dialogs are reserved for Dan and Marie (essentially the two outsiders) as the communication between family members proper smack of insipid superficiality and even 'WASPy judgmentalism' as one critic put it. The matriarch (Dianne Wiest) and the kid bro (Dane Cook) characters are particularly awful, being the loudest ones in the pack. Worst of all, we're supposed to like these two.

That said, I think family clans vaguely resembling this one exist, including my extended family, with the elder grandparents keeping the ties all together (my uncle in my family). However, I doubt a 3-day long reunion would be as consistently happy and eventful as portrayed in this superficial dramedy. In an actual family clan it would often succumb to dullness and petty infights.

Appreciating a close-knit extended family (complete with sleepover reunions and talent nights) takes a certain frame of mind and character that is actively egoless, dedicated and devoted to traditional family values at best, and insipid, one-dimensional, fakey-syrupy, even delusional at worst. I think those who crave extended family reunions the most are unhappy in their immediate family (meaning spouse, parents, siblings, children). I understand them too but I'm not one of them as I value true intimacy, calmness that comes with a functional immediate family.
(Bottom line: communication with extended family members necessarily lack depth and intimacy as both parties are preoccupied with their own little nuclear family. When a nuclear family is functional, extended family reunion feels like overkill.)




yes, but you gotta remember that not everyone's family dynamic is your family dynamic. I see this as a pretty awesome example of a real, imperfect family. Uh yeah, people do crossword puzzles together. that looks to me like a family tradition that they've extended to their 'reunion'. none of it rings shallow of fake.

Notice that there is no TV as far as i can remember. these people are spending their time being together, just talking and interacting. it's obvious they all live far from one another and rarely see each other.

hence, the novelty of seeing each other is mostly likely sufficient to quell any infighting, at least for the weekend... ya know?


"none of it rings shallow of fake"

My point was that there is no real communication going on between any of the extended family members, including mom and Dan, only insipid, judgmental bull. And the script still expects us to love this plastic Hollywood family. If anyone claims that his/her family acts just like this one, then I believe there're grave problems with that family, including disconnection and hypocrisy.
So yeah, it all rings shallow and fake. Watch it again to see if I'm right. Steve Carell should've sticked to better, truer films like Little Miss Sunshine -- now there's a deep dramedy.

"Don't just DO something, STAND there!"
Pastor Charlie Bing


Absolutely. This film was basically 'The Big Chill' involving a bunch of precocious family members instead of a bunch of precocious friends.

I don't doubt that there are some families that DO act like this. I just thank God that mine is not one of them.

I went into this movie expecting to not like Carell in it, yet I found him the least offensive of all. The whole rest of the family and their BS was absolutley gut wrenching.

A big steaming pile of dung.

There's a word for people who think everyone is conspiring against them.
That's right: perceptive!


Oh please! If you wanted to hear all the side conversations, you would need to turn the movie into a mini series. Most movies focus on one or two main characters. Of course there are always sub plots, but they shouldn't steer the viewer from the main theme.

Peter Hedges did a brilliant job of casting and creating this story for film.

I suggest you read the book if you're looking for more.



wow, I didn't realize that this was supposed to be a deep analysis of family life/interaction. I'm pretty sure it is labeled as a romantic dramedy, which is exactly what it was. I'm sorry that you weren't able to enjoy it for what it was, because I found it to be quite a delightful film.


"it is labeled as a romantic dramedy"

Dramedy is, by definition, a relatively deep genre. And both Carell and Binoche are known to have (co)starred in some pretty deep dramedies so there were some expectations that this film would deliver.

"Don't just DO something, STAND there!"
Pastor Charlie Bing



Look, gotta tell ya, I know plenty like this from my time up, Rhode Island there. All summer long - fall/winter/spring the cold keeps you in - you see 'em nights, their living rooms, aglow with good cheer, everybody jumpin' up, down, up, down, like a bushel basket Jumping Beans with a bad case of the Hot Foot.

The whole smilin' family yelling, joshing, guffawing, chortling, acting out these skits, reciting Proust, issuing solemn declamations excerpted from The Last Days of Pompeii, that sorta thing, the kids all dressed, you know, smarmy like, no way you gonna catch them on a bike or - Egad! - out onna boat, bouncin' & floppin' over the waves like some big, fat, Davey Jones whose locker got repo'd, right?

I mean, these people are so perfect, you'll never catch them pickin' their nose, because their noses are just there for cosmetic effect, nothing much behind those snouts. How's that for cryptic albeit imbecillic imagery?

Beyond that, look, I'm from Rhode Island, OK, where as The Mad Peck wisely said in 1978:

...It rains two days out of three except during rainy season, when it snows like a b....

Where Friendship is a One Way Street, Rich Folks live on Power Street,

and the rest of us live off Hope....

(c. 1978, The Mad Peck)

Starting to get the picture? Good, then let's paint in a little more color: Grey. Lotta Grey. You notice the sky, there, this film? Those raindrops all over the cars, windows, overcoats, wet hair, wet hats? Getting the 'flavor' of our Rhode Island summers yet?

Right, now you know why many of us Ri-Dylandahs' years ago moved 'down Flah-dah', as we say.

Now, you take that weather, and you stuff alla them Miltown Tranquilizer-Happy faces that family in some house - notice the studs on the walls of Dan's family's house, by the by? Look, Ma, no sheetrock! That means no heat, no A/C, no insulation, you feelin' the clamminess yet? - and you get alla them bouncin' around, stealin' one another's women, playin' crosswords, dancin' around some Geritol-Deficient Ted Mack Amateur Hour? Whatta you got? You got the makings of a real good ol' fashioned Lizzy Borden New England axe murder, or maybe the whole bunch will just go leap off the cliffs down the road at Beavertail Point, like a bunch of happy lemmings in search of dry heat.

Know what I mean?

Paul Vincent Zecchino
Family Matters Expert
Manasota Key, Florida
08 September, 2010


"Know what I mean?"

No, I honestly don't, though I still enjoyed your post. Is it about chilly Rhode Islanders being moody throughout the year?

"Don't just DO something, STAND there!"
Pastor Charlie Bing


Know what I mean?

haha... not really but I enjoyed reading the post!

