MovieChat Forums > The Prestige (2006) Discussion > I know what you really are? Which was?

I know what you really are? Which was?

Sarah knew Borden was a "skitzofrenik"? She cant have known the truth. But she knew something was wrong. Olivia also wondered about what Sarah would have told her the day before she killed herself. Olivia by the way, the hypocrite; "When youre with me, youre with me, leave your wife and family at home where they belong"

And shes the one who tells Borden, after he tells her the truth; "Its inhuman to be so cold."

I still cant fkn stand Olivia.

But I still wonder what Sarah would have told Olivia, or what she thought she knew about Borden.


Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


There have been many theories. There's no conclusive answer or consensus, however.

One theory is that Sarah did figure out the twins' secret, but that she also realized that it was the Borden who loved her (and not Freddy) who primarily instigated the secrecy and lies, even to her.

Another popular theory is that "I know what you really are!" merely meant "I know that you are a cheater!". I don't ascribe to this interpretation though; because in that case, it would have been more natural* to say "I know what you have been doing!" (because cheating refers to an act/behavior, not to some innate unchangeable property of a person that a wife would just have to accept). However, of course this was the interpretation that the movie was intentionally alluding to during the scene when the viewer was possibly not aware yet that the Bordens were twins; at that point, the oblivious viewer was still supposed to be assuming that Borden was just one man who had an affair with Olivia. The fact that Sarah threatens to tell Olivia about what she had figured out, also suggests that she wasn't referring to cheating.

The idea that "I know what you really are!" was referring to Borden possibly being schizophrenic (or suffering from split-personality disorder or some other similar mental/psychological illness) has also often been proposed. It kinda ties in with the mythology/theme of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, which is a story that also befits the Victorian steampunk setting of The Prestige. It's a good theory, but I think that ultimately it doesn't fit; because in that case, I think Sarah wouldn't have held it against her husband. I'd like to think that Sarah would have been more understanding if she thought Borden's behavior was due to some mental disorder that Borden could do nothing about.

My personal theory has been that Sarah might have suspected that her husband was gay or bisexual, and that he was merely feigning heterosexuality in order to hide a secret sexual relationship with his engineer Fallon. Homosexuality was a big taboo and a crime in Victorian England, so it would make sense that that revelation would also shock Olivia. Well, actually maybe Olivia wouldn't have been shocked by a person's gayness, because after all she was a showgirl who hung around actors, artists, and other "free thinkers", but it would have meant that Borden had lied to Sarah and her as well and had merely used them as a veil instead of really ever caring about his "mistress" or even his wife. (In that light, it would also make sense for Olivia to accuse him of "being cold"; and her admonition to go to The Great Danton, because "you two deserve eachother", gets a double meaning.) In Sarah's mind, a relationship between Borden and Fallon would logically explain why Borden was at once happy to "share my food with him or something" and how he could hire the engineer without paying him, and it would also explain what Borden meant when he said "I almost lost something dear to me today" after he had just dug up Fallon who had been buried alive. And to Olivia, it would explain why Borden asked her to trust Fallon after she had expressed that she feels uncomfortable that Fallon is always around.

However, I've found nothing in the movie that really points towards one interpretation or the other (maybe the Nolans even left it ambiguous on purpose!), so this is (still) all just conjecture. But if we are to assume that Sarah didn't figure out the real "twins' secret", then I think the "gay" interpretation is the only one that really works.

[*] Yes, I'm aware that the actress had actually ad-libbed that line ("I know what you really are!"), and that she had afterwards thought that she screwed up and that she had given too much away. However, the director kept that bit in the movie (he could have easily chosen to edit it out), so he must have thought that the line somehow fits in a particular interpretation of the scene that doesn't necessarily point only to the actual twins' secret.

Keiko Matsui & Carl Anderson - "A Drop of Water"


Thanks for answering. The Prestige itself is a magic trick, and much in it is a distraction. I can easily see that scene as being "normal" the first time watching the movie, but second time? Then it becomes very much ambigous. I can easily forget this scene as something the Nolans leave in the movie to make the viewer do a second guess :)

As for your personal much material which isnt in the movie are you gonna force upon it? I cant support that one. Clearly the discussion the Bordens have about Olivia is authentic:

"I need her. I love her."

"To open myself up to the dangers of such an affair, I need assurances of fidelity. Of love."


I cant see anything in your theory that makes it plausible.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I was still editing my previous post before I noticed that you had already posted a reply.

I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying that Borden was gay. On the contrary, Borden was *not* gay, the real secret was that he was twins; one twin brother loved Sarah and the other loved Olivia. In my previous reply, I was talking about what Sarah might have thought (in her mind) that she had figured out about Borden.

You were asking what Sarah might have meant when she said "I know what you really are!" What I'm saying is, that if we are to assume that Sarah wasn't referring to her husband's real secret and that she hadn't figured out that they were twins, then I think the most plausible explanation would be that Sarah thought that her husband was secretly gay.

Keiko Matsui & Carl Anderson - "A Drop of Water"


Thanks again for the reply ^
I get your point, and Ill stand corrected. What she MIGHT have thought is still up for grabs.

Its like, the only point left for me to ponder on in the movie hah. Everything else has been resolved more or less. But that scene, followed by the scene where Sarah hangs herself...shes thinking and getting the two images in her head, the Borden that loved her, and the Borden that didnt love her.

She even started drinking because of it.
Which just got me thinking of another line:

You'd drink too, if you knew the world HALF as well as I do.

We all have our vices.

The Prestige is by far my favorite mindfk movie of all time. But its not mindfk. Its mindsex. Just lovely over the years how I enjoy the movie more and more. Noticing something new everytime, even still.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


She even started drinking because of it.
Which just got me thinking of another line:

You'd drink too, if you knew the world HALF as well as I do.

We all have our vices.
Dang, you just mentioned something new that I hadn't ever noticed or considered before! Root's line lampshading the fact that Sarah was unaware that the Bordens were twins; (she thought) she saw only one man, which means she saw only *half* of the twins, which she couldn't grasp her mind around and so she started drinking.

Over the years, I (and others) have caught many lines and elements with double/"hidden" thematic meanings/references in this movie, but not yet this one. Nicely spotted!

(By the way, notice that the last we see of either Sarah or Root, is them being hanged by a rope from the ceiling; they kinda share the same fate, and it's Borden/The Professor who drove/put them there.)

Keiko Matsui & Carl Anderson - "A Drop of Water"


(By the way, notice that the last we see of either Sarah or Root, is them being hanged by a rope from the ceiling; they kinda share the same fate, and it's Borden/The Professor who drove/put them there.)

Indeed. And there is Angiers wife who drowned, and Angier drowns every night during the REAL transported man.

Sarah hung herself. And the other half of Borden got hanged.

Root was more hung in shame ^

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


She figured out there were twins. (simple really)
she was devastated to know she was living half her life with Freddy.
(I did get a laugh when someone said that Olivia thought
Alfred was sleeping with Fallon and Olivia)

This is what she was going to tell Olivia.
Olivia was sleeping with not one Borden. but both.
Sarah could tell that the one who loved her (Alfred) was with Olivia as well.

While it would seem that eventually Freddy would have to sleep with Sarah and that Alfred would have to refuse (imitating Freddy) so that Sarah could not tell them apart....that seems unlikely to be part of the film for two reasons. One is that Freddy says, We should have told Fallon (Albert) when Sarah says she is pregnant. and two, it would take away from the power of the ending with Alfred being reunited with his daughter (rather than freddy's or unknown). It would just over-complicate the storyline.)

More importantly, if Borden messed up the knot every other day.... wouldn't Cutter likely have said, "of course there is a twin. One ties knots and the other is terrible." therefor, following this line, Freddy is the one who is shown dropping the knot. He is imitating Alfred's lesser skill as a knot tier. It must be Freddy because he is adamant about it being the "wrong knot" and that the langford double is the knot to use. And tells Angier that no one is better at tying knots than him. Plus. he has a drink. (Freddy is the one drinking after Fallon escapes being buried.)

Best unknown feature at


Sarah didnt figure out they were twins.

Olivia wouldve noticed it much sooner than Sarah, as she had an eye for magic, while Sarah kinda brushed it away. Olivia agreed with Cutter that it was a double, which Angier flatout ignored.

But even Olivia didnt notice the twin thing. She tells Borden "its inhuman to be so cold" after she wants him to talk about his dead wife to her.

Olivia would have understood right away that Borden had a twin if she had to treat his fingers again, right after they were cut off a second time. But Sarah? Couldnt understand it.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


Sarah didnt figure out they were twins.

Actually, she did. If she would have said that to Borden in the scene, then the reveal would have been spoiled.

Olivia would've noticed it much sooner than Sarah

Olivia didn't live with Borden 18 hours a day.
Hopefully, one's wife knows their husband more than the office secretary.
Olivia was convinced they were "the same man" for a long time.
I'm sure she had her suspicions, but it is clear that she doesn't know.

She tells Borden "its inhuman to be so cold"

Which she would only say to Alfred, not Freddy. if she knew they were twins.
But since she doesn't get the twins, she can't figure out that one loved and married Sarah and the other twin didn't. Alfred was not cold about Sarah, Freddy seemed cold but that was due to his guilt and perhaps he truly hated to pretend to be her husband.

Olivia would have understood right away that Borden had a twin if she had to treat his fingers again,

Olivia didn't treat Borden. She saw his gloved hands, that both in and out of the box were missing fingers and she didn't figure it out. She's not a magician, just a pretty assistant.

Don't worry. A lot of people miss this.

Best unknown feature at


Olivia is just a pretty assistant? hah, youve been misdirected.

She was able to look closely and see the padded gloves of Borden to say its the same man. Enforcing Angier's belief that it was a complex illusion. Later on she mentions the wigs and all that, and she falls for Borden having a double. She got a pass into Bordens life which Sarah never got, and yet she never saw the truth.

And she was shared just as much as Sarah was between them.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies


She was able to look closely and .... say its the same man

Exactly. not say he has a twin.

she falls for Borden

Sort of, yes/ And Fredrick loved Olivia.
But she didn't know that they switched. This is what Sarah was going to tell her.

she never saw the truth.

Exactly what I said. Olivia should have gotten it. But, the film shows she didn't
In this way she reflects the audience not knowing.

Best unknown feature at


Sarah could tell there was a difference "between" the two early on, but it also made sense to her: Some days Borden loved magic more than her.

Olivia on the other hand, never saw a difference between them or hinted at it. She claimed to have fallen in love with Borden, while he was married, but later on SHE had the audiacity to tell him "Its inhuman to be so cold" when he simply told her his part of the truth. The other half of a truth that Sarah would have accepted.

Olivia had a keen eye and respect for magic, which the other half of Borden fell in love with. But overall both Sarah and Olivia probably loved the smell of money more than them.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies
