IMDB spoilers

I think putting this movie and the sci-fi genre is spoiling. Drama/Mystery would have been enough


You're right about that. However, the problem is that many people get angry when they watch a movie and find out that the movie hasn't been shelved under the "right" genre label(s); because they can't enjoy a movie unless they're told in advance when a movie contains sci-fi (or fantasy, or horror, or comedy, or musical, or what-have-you) elements.

Furthermore, IMDb's policy is to be as complete, descriptive, informative and accurate as possible, which I think is essentially a good thing. So I don't think it's really wrong to have The Prestige listed as sci-fi here.

By the way, when I went to watch the movie for the first time, I wasn't aware under which genres it was listed, nor that it contained sci-fi/fantasy elements. (Maybe "sci-fi" wasn't yet listed as a genre on The Prestige's IMDb page back then, but I'm not sure about that.)

Keiko Matsui & Carl Anderson - "A Drop of Water"
