MovieChat Forums > The Prestige (2006) Discussion > Anyone else let down by the reveal?

Anyone else let down by the reveal?

Preface: I haven't seen this film since it came out, so I'm going off memory. I love Chris Nolan, but this film is the only one of his that I didn't like. Number one, I found it excessively dark, there was no sense of fun.

All the mystery of oooh, how's he doing the big trick? They indicate how all these other magic tricks are done, and how they're all slight of hand and such, like how real magicians do things.

Then there's the reveal at the end: Tada! - It was real magic all along! What a cop-out. Whoopetydoo.

I know everyone compares this to The Illusionist, and this is the main reason I like The Illusionist so much better. It's the exact opposite. The tricks in The Illusionist try to make you think that they they're being done by real magic, but then they're revealed to be illusions, hence the title. But in The Prestige, they're trying to convince you these are tricks, only to reveal that it's real magic. Bah.


Well, in The Illusionist they *tell* you in the end that they were all illusions, but what they *show* you is what an illusion could never do. Just to consider the "boy apparition", for example. The boy walks between isles, being watched from all angles and distances including very close ones, and everybody perceive him as a real, corporeal being... and that was done with smoke screen and a movie machine? With pre-IWW cinematographic technology? And nobody noticed anything unnatural? Oh, pooh. They show us a bunch of outright miracles and then just go and tell us "See, how smart this Eisenheim fella is, doing all that". Suspending the disbelief is one thing, insulting the intelligence is another.

In The Prestige, contrary to what you may think, they warned you from the very beginning that Angier's trick is *not* a clever illusion, that Angier simply wasn't the sort of a person to develop one (not without somebody else doing the job for him, at least). To defeat his opponent - who *is* a genuine illusionist - he had to stoop to "real magic".

The movie is not about how magic tricks are done, it's about the price a magician has to pay for his success.

Oh my god! They killed Angier!


soooo much they could have done with a topic like magic, and it never really get past the level of superficial plot point, and the reason scarlett johaneson is performing in a leotard (yay) ... because this movie is about obsession.

while some of the early stuff was moderately entertaining, I found the big reveal as well as the cloning machine..... silly.

its a joyless plod. not something with much in the way of satisfaction in the pay day, or re-watching value.

Stupid comments will be ignored. Good luck!


I'm glad I wasn't alone, even if it's just one other person ;)

Everyone else seemed to really enjoy the film, and I'm happy they did, but it always perplexed me.


Your missing the real trick. Hint: is the machine real? Once you figure that out u won't be let down.


Is the movie real? Once you figure that out you wont be let down.

Interstellar - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies
