MovieChat Forums > The Prestige (2006) Discussion > While it was poetically beautiful, the e...

While it was poetically beautiful, the ending has little logic

If Tesla had really invented a duplicating machine, why not just put gold and diamonds in it and become rich? Or put livestock in it to solve world hunger?


He was obsessed with borden's trick.

Best unknown feature at


In the novel Angier does actually put coins into the machine and makes himself rich.


The machine is a conduit for Angier to get what he really wants, which is the recognition as the best. Angier already was rich, he came from a wealthy family that he could return to any time. So amassing more wealth wasn't a goal of his.


No offence but your complaint has "little logic". Unlikely does not make something illogical. You're assuming everyone would prioritize those things like maybe you do. And although I grant you that most probably would, it's not impossible for some people to not deem those things as important to them.

That said, if you watched the movie it's very easy to see that Angier is not motivated by those things. His biggest goal is to surpass the competition and be recognized as the best, that matters most to him. He was probably already living comfortably and didn't care about having more.

Also there are obviously going to be certain things omitted from the movie due to limited time to tell a story. It really isn't a deal breaker and entirely within the confines of what would be considered plausible.

