Why did we hate Tesla?

Why did Tesla live such a crappy life? He was basically homeless by the time he died. Yet, apparently he was so important that David Bowie played him in a movie. David Bowie probably made more playing Tesla than Tesla made his entire life times 10. If Tesla made close to nothing his entire life, shouldn't anyone who plays him also be paid close to nothing? It's all about getting into the character, right?


If Tesla made close to nothing his entire life, shouldn't anyone who plays him also be paid close to nothing? It's all about getting into the character, right?
Actors have differing methods. And not being paid for 1 film is hardly having something in common with the character you're portraying.

We've met before, haven't we?


You hate Tesla because he wasn't American whereas the supreme hack Thomas Edison, the Bill Gates of his day (read: talentless turd who steals other peoples ideas, promotes slander of his superiors in this case Tesla etc.) is idolized - Time Magazine (an American publication, big surprise) called Edison the most important human to live in the last 1000 years. Really? Edison, Gates, Zuckerberg - you Americans sure do worship the colossal dbags who cheat, lie and steal to achieve the American dream.

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


You didn't answer his question, but your love for Americans really comes through in your response.

"This man is dead, Jim." ~Bones


Question as stated in topic title: Why did we hate Tesla?
Answer: Because he wasn't American.

Which part are you not getting?

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


hehe, great retort. Well said.


Exactly. Today, you have a similar example in tennis. I'm a Serb, but not a fan of Novak Djokovic. Yet, I find it disgustingly stunning how no matter what some men (like Djokovic) achieve, they will always be looked down on to because of their unfavored background, while some will be idolized like gods (Roger Federer) because they fit into the profile of perfect aristocratic dominator from Western civilization.
The insisting on all-present tolerance in the long run actually creates intolerance.


Ummm... Tesla became an American citizen.


Tesla was a scientist.

Edison was a businessman.

Many of the guys who invented the breakthrough machines during the industrial revolution died broke, because they invented stuff, but didn't protect their inventions with any kind of business sense.

(Also a similar story of Bell and Meucci - telephone)


Are you joking, OP? You are exactly what's wrong with the world... judging people by what they had in terms of money or material possessions, instead of by their character and contributions to the world. PLEASE educate yourself before making ignorant comments like this one. I am reminded of a work "get to know you" game where we were asked if we could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be? I said "Tesla" EVERYONE in the group, which included well educated people, such as lawyers for instance, said "Who?" or "That's a car!!"

You want to know some of the things you use every day that came from the mind of Tesla?

1.. Alternating Current - it's what delivers electricity to your home if you live in the USA

This is where it all began, and what ultimately caused such a stir at the 1893 World’s Expo in Chicago. A war was leveled ever-after between the vision of Edison and the vision of Tesla for how electricity would be produced and distributed. The division can be summarized as one of cost and safety: The DC current that Edison (backed by General Electric) had been working on was costly over long distances, and produced dangerous sparking from the required converter (called a commutator). Regardless, Edison and his backers utilized the general “dangers” of electric current to instill fear in Nikola Tesla’s alternative: Alternating Current. As proof, Edison sometimes electrocuted animals at demonstrations. Consequently, Edison gave the world the electric chair, while simultaneously maligning Tesla’s attempt to offer safety at a lower cost. Tesla responded by demonstrating that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting current through his own body to produce light. This Edison-Tesla (GE-Westinghouse) feud in 1893 was the culmination of over a decade of shady business deals, stolen ideas, and patent suppression that Edison and his moneyed interests wielded over Tesla’s inventions. Yet, despite it all, it is Tesla’s system that provides power generation and distribution to North America in our modern era.

Also, x-rays, and the mechanism that allows the engine in your car to turn over and run, in addition to COUNTLESS other things you use daily.

Why do "we" hate him? Well, no one with a brain does hate him, but for those who do, it's because of Edison's targeting him and destroying his life and career and legacy. Which is also the reason Tesla lived in poverty, as well as obscurity.
