MovieChat Forums > Jesus Camp (2006) Discussion > Do only Athiests hate this camp?

Do only Athiests hate this camp?

The kids crying, I mean, it's not like they were in pain. They were just showing their love for God. Granted, some scenes were extreme, like the children speaking in tongue. Also the way the kids "prayed" was a bit over the top. But the rest, I see no wrong. I feel like Athiests were the ones over exaggerating over this film. They call it brainwashing, but I don't see how. I'm catholic, so maybe that's why I can't see it like the rest of you guys.


If you mean by atheists those that exhibit common sense and logic then yes! You don't have to be an atheist too see that this brainwashing is totally uncalled for.


I was raised Catholic too, and I do believe in God. This movie terrifies me. It is brainwashing and indoctrination; that camp director freely compares what they do in their church communities to the martyr mentality that fundamentalist Muslims train into their youth. And I feel so terrible for those kids, being made to feel like they're sinful for telling ghost stories, or enjoying dancing for dancing's sake.
Fundamentalists are scary people, no matter what belief system they espouse. They eschew tolerance, they won't compromise, they define the world very narrowly and condemn anything outside those bounds. My nightmare would be for people like this to win the far-reaching power they so covet. Then we'll all be forced to pledge allegiance to the Christian flag (THAT didn't give you the willies?!) or else be burned as heretics, I'm sure.


Well said mate


Fundamentalists are scary people, no matter what belief system they espouse. They eschew tolerance, they won't compromise, they define the world very narrowly and condemn anything outside those bounds. My nightmare would be for people like this to win the far-reaching power they so covet. Then we'll all be forced to pledge allegiance to the Christian flag (THAT didn't give you the willies?!) or else be burned as heretics, I'm sure.

I agree that this extreme form of fundamental Christianity is far too intolerant. In my view, they missed the whole point of going to camp, to the wilderness, in the first place. If they cannot tell ghost stories or experience the fun of being a kid and skipping rocks.

However, I want to assure you that THIS type of Christianity does not attain far-reaching power, On the contrary. They see the current situation as a crises and are reacting to it. They are reacting to Harry Potter, superheros, liberalism, etc etc.

They see themselves as a 'remnant'

Christianity is completely voluntary. Receiving Christ as Lord and Savior is a personal, voluntary decision.

Christians are a mainstream, mainline religion and do not seek to take over worldly governments. Our monuments in Washington and our Freedom Shrine documents are rich with Judeo-Christian language. Christianity is part of our American heritage. We did not persecute anyone -- we gave freedom of religion.

No sect of Christianity can attain the kind of power you surmise. Christianity by and large is not like that at all.


OP is delirious lmao


Well I grew up ELCA (Lutheran) and about eleven years ago I joined a Methodist Church and I am sorry but to me the antics of the people in this film are beyond extreme. They are deliberately pushing these kids over the edge emotionally in order to obtain a desired response (in short, they want the kids to cry. They might just as well make 'em drop their pants and beat them with their belts for all the difference it would make.) As for the glossolalia (the tongues thingy), that's nothing but an ecstatic utterance; it has no more meaning than a fit of hysterics.

The parents of these poor kids should have been prosecuted for child abuse. And the camp shut down.

On a more subtle and terrifying note, I might remind everyone here that the Constitution forbids a marriage between the Church and the State. But if these people have their way, we may be in for a really scary love affair.

"Warriors for God" my left foot. The last thing God needs is more "warriors." If anything God needs peacemakers.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." ~ Jesus of Nazareth

Oh God. There's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold!


Nope. My mother, who is one of those Protestant Christian Prudes, very much disliked this film and the camp.

She believed this camp should not have been teaching young children about adult issues they can't understand yet, such as abortion. While she is not pro-abortion, she does believe that in order to take a side to abortion you need to understand the other side to abortion. For example: I doubt this camp taught the children about women who get an abortion because they are diagnosed with cancer early in their pregnancy, you can't get treated while you're pregnant, and they don't have a enough time to hold out until the pregnancy is over.

She also did not like how they were smashing government cups and speaking against it. While my mother does not by any means think the government is great, she did not like this because some of these kids could take that to mean to start a revival against the government and attack it "in the name of Jesus". She doesn't believe you should mix government with religion to that extent.

She also especially hated the "give up your lives for Jesus" and the "this means war" chant. While she would stand by her faith if they decided to execute all Christians tomorrow, she did not like this message being taught to the children as they could interpret that to go start another Crusade once they get old enough.

In other words, she thought what they did in the camp was not appropriate for young children and could have serious consequences in the future.

On side note: While she didn't think this was the worst thing in the world, she loves Harry Potter and thinks that people who believe it's evil in a religious sense need a reality check as the magic in Harry Potter is not real one bit. If it's not real, it can't be against god in her opinion. It's just imagination and she's all for imagination.


This films is about kids being brainwashed in an abusive environment. If you don't get why what's going on here is wrong, then you're a pretty damaged and warped person.


Actually, if I were a Christian I think I'd hate the camp more, because it would be perverting something I revered. Those people are not following Jesus's teachings... they're using religion for their own ends. It'd bother me a lot worse if they were misrepresenting something I believe in.


I think anyone with a semblance of intelligence hates this camp, and if your religion is inhibiting you from tapping into your God-given common sense, it might be time to scrap it.
