Funniest line delivery

When Moss points and leaves the soccer game "their having a laugh today." and the other guy says "Their winning?" "Nahh their having a laugh" hahah i love the delivery

Also when moss spills the beans on Roy's calender plan


"There's nothing sexual about it, I mean I like Roy, but I'm not "Curious"."



"Damn that mash looks taste!"


"Damn that mash looks tasty!"




Moss: This, Jen, is the Internet.

Moss: Thank you, my love.

Roy Trenneman: A gay musical, called Gay. That's quite gay. Gay musical? Aren't all musicals gay? This must be, like, the gayest musical ever.

Peter: It's
Roy: Filepeter? Why filepeter?
Peter: Well, File is my second name.
Roy: Oh right, I see. Peter File.
Moss: Who's a paedophile?
Jen: Don't say it like that, it sounds like paedophile.
Moss: Isn't that what he just said?
Jen: No, Peter File.
Moss: Paedophile.
Jen: Peter File.
Richmond: Who's a paedophile?
Jen: No one...
Moss: [nods] Right... It just sounds like paedophile.
Jen: No, no it doesn't.
Moss: It does a bit. Peter File.
Roy: Peter File... yeah, it does.
Richmond Avenal: Peter File...
[All the guests start saying "Peter File" repeatedly].

uh, what do I know ?!?


'I'm disabled!' Delivered in that trembling voice.

I've seen the episode probably 25+ times and it never fails to crack me up.

"Leave the gun, take the cannoli."


That's my favorite episode.

"Crouton! Crouton! Crunchy friends in a liquid broth."


How did it happen?


That was the first episode I watched and it had me in tears.


It's Peter File and it ain't close.


Jen: "It Just seemed rude not to give him my number.
Peter: "Hey! I thought you asked for my number".
Jen: "Ha, ha, ha! I'm not a slut."


"Damn these electric sex pants!"

And of course, Douglas's first appearance. "FATHER!!!"

All New Season:
