'Memory IS RAM !!!'

One of the funniest lines in entire show and part of my favorite IT Crowd episode "The Dinner party"




He should have said ram is memory though, because RAM is a type of memory.

I dont see it as a flaw in the writing though, since even Moss could misstate something like that. Easy to do.


he just said it in the same order as her. She said "don't talk about memory or ram" and he replied "memory IS ram" which makes sense in that context, especially since he is speaking to someone who he knows can barely understand what hemeans



"He should have said ram is memory though, because RAM is a type of memory.

I dont see it as a flaw in the writing though, since even Moss could misstate something like that. Easy to do."

I don't think anyone who knows what memory is or what RAM means, would ever make that mistake. But the portrayal of 'nerds' on TV is almost never accurate (well, the nerd wearing eyeglasses in the 1983 movie "War Games" was close to accurate).

Moss and Roy don't behave like nerds, or have attitudes like nerds, and they don't even give a credible impression of being IT people whatsoever.

Saying "Memory IS RAM" is like saying "Car IS Jeep!"

Would YOU make such a mistake?

RAM simply means "Random Access Memory", and is just one type of memory, as you correctly stated. There are other types, like ROM, for example, which means Read-Only Memory. This is how CD-ROM and DVD-ROM got their names - their disc-based memory is of the 'read-only' type.

Funny and atmospheric TV show, though, but the computer side of it is (as almost always) very inaccurate and untrue to life. It's obvious that the makers of the show never spent even a day with actual nerds or IT people, observing their behaviour, speech and thinking patterns.

For example, why would Roy play such mainstream games, instead of quirky, old, specialized ones that most people have never even heard of? Why would Roy say that the woman has ALL the consoles, when the woman clearly can't have all of them (having ALL of the consoles would mean you have all the dozens of pong machines that were made in the 1970s and every single console ever made ever since, and they certainly wouldn't fit in such a small space). A true nerd/IT worker would have said "all the CURRENT consoles", or "all the MODERN consoles", or something more clear like that.

Only a mainstream fool would have such a narrow viewpoint to computers, consoles and video games.

Also, they wondered why Jen didn't react to the original ZX-81, but they didn't say anything about the genuine Commodore PET near the corner, (which would be a bigger deal, it being more signifigant, older and rarer technology) or mention how Jen also didn't react to the Commodore 64 poster, the Atari XL posters, the NES console they have on the other shelf, etc.

Sometimes I wish a computer show about computers would be made for actual computer users, nerds and IT people, who would greatly appreciate it, but which would not be understood by the masses. It's exactly because this show's makers want to cater to masses, that the accuracy, truth and more interesting things than 'relationships' always have to be sacrificed, mutilated, mutated and altered so that the automatons and corporate drones may be delighted by humor aimed at their level, using only things that fit their narrow worldview and almost non-existent knowledge base about computers, consoles and IT work.

At least some "Rinkworks" Computer Stupidities-type happenings would have been nice, but we don't even get that.

As I said, it's a funny and fun show, and I like it, but so much more could have been done better as far as the topic itself is considered. Now the whole "IT" thing only exists as a flimsy, thin framework for the 'usual relationship comedy', that could basically have been done in any other framework just as easily.

I'd have appreciated true computer-centric humor, but I guess that's never going to happen in the mass media.

As the ending note, I want to decrypt the sentence a bit for you, and see if it still sounds like "an easy mistake to make" to you.

"Memory IS Random-Access Memory!"

Does that make sense coming from someone who knows a lot about computers?


that's all well and good except people call RAM, memory. when someone says I got to get more memory do you think they mean a new hard drive ? NERD

and do you still call is a CD-ROM when it's a burner hmm. NERD

go to newegg.com look under memory and see what comes up. NERD

and it's English they call the computer a hard drive for gods sake. can't be nitpicking. NERD





My favorite part of that episode was when his drunk crazy date was like "you've changed...you've changed since I first met you tonight."

And then you see him smoking a cigarette saying "yes...we've all changed"


He's hysterical


Who's a paedophile?!?

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


I just watched that episode. Whe I heard jen say that, I was thing the same thing moss said.


My favourite line of the whole series. The delivery, the timing, the expressions on Roy and Moss' faces...we've all been there, we've all stood like spare parts in some geek's office as he snorts derisively at your misuse of some term which you couldn't give a flying fig about anyway. Then we've gone and played rugby and had fifteen pints while they went home and had a spam sandwich with their mother.
