MovieChat Forums > The IT Crowd (2006) Discussion > IT Crowd or The Big Bang Theory?

IT Crowd or The Big Bang Theory?

Silly question.

Although Sheldon Cooper rocks in TBBT, there's a consistency in funny delivery with the guys in the IT crowd.

Insult # 81
Doorknob:Carved features, wooden acting.


IT Crowd by far. I think TBBT is ok, but not all that clever. Sheldon honestly annoys the crap out of me. I wouldn't mind him as a minor character, but since he's one of the mains, I can't help but be a bit turned off by the show.

The only thing that annoys me about IT Crowd is Douglas just isn't that consistently funny. Other than that, I love the IT crew and they have so many memorable bits ("made in Britain," Roy in the wheelchair, the emergency phone number, various ways of breaking the internet, Peter File, the fire screen saver, the anti-piracy ad, etc).


I love both, but IT Crowd is one of my all time favorite shows. I can watch it over and over again, still laughing at the jokes.

I see so much comparison of the two shows, but really aside from the "live studio audience" parts and the show starring geeks, they are rather different.



Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (


'The Big Bang Theory' is to 'The IT Crowd' as 'The Phantom Menace' is to 'The Empire Strikes Back'.


'The Big Bang Theory' is to 'The IT Crowd' as 'The Phantom Menace' is to 'The Empire Strikes Back'.


"People should know when they're conquered" - Quintus


Uh, not exactly. Personally, I really like both shows, but I chalk this up to another America-hating douchebag, common for Canadians/Europeans on here that resent us *that* much.


So anyone who admits to liking IT Crowd more than The Big Bang Theory doesn't like America? What utter nonsense. I generally laugh more at IT Crowd, so it wins.


I'm a conservative, flag-waving, God-and-guns American....who loves IT Crowd and can't stand TBBT.


My God Ginsu! Then the terrorists have already won! I bet you eat French fries too, don't you?

Although I'm one to talk since I live in Canada which is secretly a terrorist safe harbour.

Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist.


Agree with you, canĀ“t stand Big Bang Theory.


Agree with you, canĀ“t stand Big Bang Theory.


I'm american and i am the first to say american television sucks because it does


very true!

I stopped enjoying BBT when it got too obvious the writers/cast didn't know what a nerd was and were really just acting... yes they are actors but when the dead guys chest is moving it kinda ruins it ya know.



the IT crowd hands down. i really love TBBT but it has none of that raw ballsy insanity that you find in british comedy


Woah wait a sec.

The Big Bang Theory is a comedy?
Someone should tell the writers cos I'm pretty sure they are unaware.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.


IT Crowd forever! Moss is a LOT better than Sheldon. I could listen to Moss all day!

"The things you try to hide always turn out to be the things you can't forget."


The Big Bang Theory is blackface for nerds. Totally insulting.


IT Crowd by miles


This ^^^^ So very very much this.

I will be borrowing this quote over and over.
