Jumper 3D Bluray

Absolutely terrible, half arsed attempt at a 3D conversion. I feel like hunting down the team that converted it and electrocuting them with cattle prods, after all, only God should have the power to make crappy 3D blurays. And while I'm here, whatever happened to Jumper 2?


Yeah I bought it cheap but still felt ripped off the 3d sucks!
Wanted a part 2 to wrap it up but doesn't look like it will ever happen


only God should have the power to make crappy 3D blurays

instead you should have said that only God can make a proper 3D conversion

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


I can live with that kind of 3D. I don't need something popping out of the screen every minute. Some shots had issues and needed more work. That's all.
