Why the 1?

Sad people that give this one an one.




it just is


probably some anime freak who thought it was blasphemy to make a live action. they probably don't realize the anime was based on a novel to begin with.


I'm pretty sure the anime version recieved 1s too...

Some people just have no taste :/



I have seen both versions. Now I gave this a 10, but I must say that I prefer the anime instead. In part I felt the live action version is just a little too long for me.


Then why did you give it a 10? Did you perhaps give the Anime an 11?

"If I could just say a few words... I'd be a better public speaker!"
- Homer J. Simpson.


Most GOTF fans don't like this because it expresses sympathy for the aunt, who was portrayed as a total ***** in the original.


I thougt it gave the character more depth. Plus it showed it better. I'm not really sure because i've never read the book (really want to though), but i think it is more original to have her change into someone evil. The original anime isn't necessarily right. I love both versions, but i think i like this one a little more. Unlike most people i whatched this one first, and i had super high expectations for the anime, I saw it dubbed aswell which might have bougth it down a little. In this one there was more background to it and more happened. Maybe it's just that the first one you watch hits you so hard, you could never get that inpact from any other version. I didn't cry at all when watching the anime, and that even surprised me (though again, could have been down to the crap dubbing).


At this moment the anime version got 662 1-votes. Do not understand me wrong. Everyone can vote as he want to. But just 298 users voted this 2 to 4. (live action: four voters between 2 and 6 towards three 1-voters.) Perhaps those ones have reasons why thes did not like this little masterpiece but I think the 1-voters had not already seen it. They just want to kick it out of the top list.

To the live action: Still hadn't any chance to watch it but I'm looking forward to. But even if I will not like it I cannot imagine to vote 1. I never voted 1 before. Cause I do not end movies of that quality. And I just vote for movies which I watched up to the end. Thank you, I had to say this.


It just didn't have the same feeling as the animated one. The special effects were lacking, in my opinion. When a movie is animated, there are no limits, really, to what you can do because it's all written. Also, this movie made the aunt look more innocent, and she was definitely not in the animated one.

Just my opinion.


I saw the live version last night. I must say it doesn't have intensive atmosphere as the original. The music score was not very good. There are too many moments with Seita proving that he is proud. There are too little precious moments between Seita and Setsuko. The Seita and Setsuko were far more believeble in animated version. Overall, the film is good but far from perfect. My final score: 6 out of 10.


Most people will have seen the anime first, and this is the one they will associate with the most, personally I like the live version better (seen it first btw).

To the obsessive anime fans this version is like what Christians would think of a porn version of the bible. Blasphemy. They'd give it a one no matter what.




I haven't seen this one yet but I have to say I really disliked the anime version. Perhaps it was my own background that tainted the experience for me? I love Studio Ghibli (though mainly Miyazaki), I've studied Japan's involvement in World War II for many years, have a degree in Japanese, I've been to Japan about seven times and even interviewed a Hiroshima bomb survivor. But I found the anime version to be overly-sentimental and manipulative of its audience.

Just because children die it does not make a story instantly affecting but that's about as far as the anime takes it. Perhaps the animated style helped project more of an innocence in the children for the audiences, but so many died in World War II in so many more horrible ways. I know the book was written by a survivor but the anime seemed disingenuous in tackling such an important narrative. It seemed to solely rely on the audience's knowledge, or ignorance, of events in Japan at that time and then try to wring emotion from them by selectively manipulating the characters and themselves using the story (all 'drama' does that to some degree but it needs to be tempered with a sense of honesty that the anime lacks). That said, if this version balances out the aunt so she is more of a real character then that will at least be a small step in the right direction. I'm really hoping it's better. For me, it couldn't be much worse.

For the record, what I consider to be better movies dealing with the Japanese side of the war would be something like the 'Human Condition' trilogy or the Chinese made 'City of Life and Death'.

UPDATE: I've just started watching this 'live action' version and I have to say it is miles ahead of the animated version. This version is so much more honest with many very real character moments that draw you in and much less obvious manipulation of the drama for the sake of melancholy. I haven't finished watching it but at this point I'd rate it about a 8 or 9 (with only one point off so far for the occasionally intrusive score). Whereas the animated version gets about a 3 at best from me. And that's just for technical merit. Personally I rate that film a 1.
