MovieChat Forums > Away from Her (2007) Discussion > spoilers Grant and Marian

spoilers Grant and Marian

I'm a little confused. The scene with them in bed together...sort of startled me. I mean I figure they were gradually developing a relationship but that happened rather fast! Did Grant really have sudden affections for Marian or was it just part of his ongoing plan in wooing her so that Aubrey could go back to Meadowlake? Marian's line about "Can we just pretend" (paraphrase) suggests the latter, but the actual short story gave me the impression there was a bit of sexual attraction for her.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be ambiguous on whether Grant is truly making a sacrifice (he certainly enjoyed the sex =D) or rather instead him and Marian just realizing they had to move on with their lives and make the decision that's best for their spouses. I presume they move in together, but I don't know if their relationship will be "pretend" or a newfound companionship. BTW I thought an ending scene of Grant and marian sitting together watching from afar aubrey/fiona reunited would've complimented nicely and bittersweetly (perhaps shown just before the snow tracks and final young Fiona frames)- though this would be based on speculation and maybe would have felt tacky.
"...future events such as these will affect you in the future"
-best movie evar


I felt as if it was fairly apparent that the sex that Grant was having with Marian was far spicier than with Fiona, and that certainly surprised the both of them.


I agree that it "surprised both of them," but I don't think I'd say it as "far spicier." I mean, you have sex with one woman for 20 years, then no sex for however long Fiona was in the home, then you meet a new woman and have sex... It's going to be a change!

Call me Katie. ;-)


Yeah I agree with Kcolli, I don't think the sex was "spicier", it was just new.


This is deliberately left to the viewer's imagination, of course, but "spicier" (for lack of a better word) may not be completely wrong. Remember when Grant and Marian went on their first date, dancing. They are discussing skiing and Grant thinks of cross country skiing. As he and Fiona used to do regularly together. But Marian likes downhill skiing better, because as she says she is more of a thrill seeker.

She is a completely different character than Fiona ever was, and that probably translates to her bedroom behaviour as well. Grant does not seem to mind either.


I don't agree. I think what we saw was Grant giving into the idea of letting go with Marian, because he tried and tried to help Fiona get over the depression with no luck.

After the sex with Marian they both laughed at the situation then it hit them again "We're together because our "husband/wife" doesn't even remember us and they're n love with each other."

I found the scene to be so sad. I don't think either of them were surprised, just out of breath. But if you watch the movie again, pay close attention, they both start crying before it fades to the next scene.

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!"


I mean I figure they were gradually developing a relationship but that happened rather fast!
I think we are expected to assume it happens over a greater length of time than might be apparent initially from watching the film. I think there'd been quite a few visits to her place, before their relationship deepened.
