MovieChat Forums > Away from Her (2007) Discussion > What was the baggage in this couple's li...

What was the baggage in this couple's life?

What happened at the university?
I didn't fully understand this problem in their relationship that is always coming in conversations during the film, can someone please explain? Grazie.


He slept with his students.

Hail to the king, baby.


Based on Fiona's enuendos throughout the movie, it would lead one to believe that Grant had an affair(s) with one or possibly more than one of his students.


As above, plus one committed suicide, 20 years ago, then he left the University (or was probably fired) and they moved to the cottage. At least that was my understanding.


I've seen this movie three times now, over about five years. I can't remember anything at all that states or suggests a suicide by one of Grant's students. What exactly is said or occurs in the film that led you to this conclusion?


In Munro's short story, "The Bear Came Over the Mountain," Grant recalls (in a dream) a letter from the roommate of a student with whom he had slept. The roommate claims that the young woman had attempted suicide after she and Grant parted ways. Grant wakes and affirms that the letter was real. Readers are led to assume that the roommate was telling the truth. Whatever the veracity of the letter, Grant ended his philandering and made good on his promise to Fiona of a new life, while never confessing his infidelities.

Polley deals with the dream briefly in her film. She uses some very brief images of a young woman's face. We get a sense of Grant's regret, but I can't recall how specific Grant's voice-over is in alluding to the alleged suicide attempt.

More concrete are Fiona's remarks to Grant on the drive to Meadowlake, and Grant's conversation with Kristy, a nurse at Meadowlake (outdoors, as she smokes a cigarette).

The adaptation of Munro's story is quite good. You would not think it the work of a first-time director. All three of Polley's feature-length films are very impressive. I look forward to more work from this talented filmmaker.

