
How long is the unicorn's part? Do we see him outside of the stall? And are there any mermaids? (Water nymphs, I know, but mermaids?) Thanks!


The unicorn's part is not very big and I believe Helen Mirren's character rides him when he's out of the stalls. Didn't see any mermaids/water nymphs.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


Cool! Thanks :) The water nymphs were the women swimming in green dresses. You're pretty sure you recall her riding him?


Yes, I remember Helen Mirren on the unicorn near the end, and the water nymphs were really only in the movie for a brief second.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Awesome! Much thanks :)


The water nymphs are only in one short scene. It's when the author is imagining what his book is like.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!
