MovieChat Forums > We Own the Night (2007) Discussion > cleft-lip fat dwarf's girlfriend hottie ...

cleft-lip fat dwarf's girlfriend hottie Eva Mendes?

Cleft-lip fat dwarf Joaquin Phoenix's character has a girlfriend hottie like Eva Mendes!!! Come on. Nobody will believe that. Joaquin Phoenix should pair with Conchata Ferrel or the Incredible Hulk. He is crouched like an ape, walks like an ape, acts like an ape. This is show business pal, good-looks sell. Why should he get more screen-time than Mark Wahlberg!!! Joaquin Phoenix shouldn't be in Hollywood in the first place. We wanna see Eva Mendes with Jason Statham or Denzel Washington, for heaven's sakes.


You are beyond words my friend...a real disgrace to IMDB.

there is nothing left to do but wait...


You are an idiot for sure!!! For one thing Joaquin doesn't make Hollywood movies, strickly INDEPENDENT, but what would you know.......Denzel??? Give a break!!!!!


Why the hate on Joaquin ?? WTF I'm a straight guy and even I know he's a good looking dude. "Ape" ??? what crack are you smoking ?

And have you ever considered that the Eva Mendes character liked the bad boy type ? maybe that's why she was with him. There's many reasons why people get together sometimes.


You hit the spot ! Everybody DISAGREES with you ....


Lol what a moron. Joaquin Phoenix is a talented actor and just because hes a cleftie doesnt mean hes some fugly ape. Id bet he gets way more tail than you.


Even though you're trolling , I feel I need to say that joaquin is beyond hot and beautiful and an amazing actor.


Bad case of insecurity you have here.
