The Wired

So what is the The Wired? Is it the same as the internet? The series seems to suggest that it was created using alien technology from Roswell. On the other hand I heard that The Wired is all the communication devices put together. But then the alien theory has no sense, because it's obvious the phono, radio and so on, were invented before roswell. So, could someone clarify?


You want clarity from Serial Experiments Lain?

I think the Alein bit was less about hte Technology and mroe about the experiments in group conciousness, to be fair.


The wired is analogous to the internet, but more interactive I think. From what I could tell it was somewhere between the internet and the matrix. Really, I don't even try to put together Lain in a comprehensible way. It's like slipping into a bizarre fever dream. By the end of it, the lines between the real world and the wired have completely dissolved and she's become some sort of Goddess over it. The whole of reality becomes so warped that there's no real point in trying to discern a specific plot or timeline.


The Wired is supposed to be based off of the dark net, or dark web (which is a real thing). Basically there is, in real life, an ocean deep amount of content you cannot view on Google or the internet in general because it is blocked by search engines and the government. There is ways to access it, but I think simply me telling how to view it is illegal. Just search it on Wikipedia and you can learn more about it. I believe The Wired is supposed to be based on the dark web.


The so-called "dark web" is not illegal and it isn't illegal to tell someone how to access it.
