MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > A bit sick of the comments

A bit sick of the comments

saying that Drew can't sing. I personally didn't think that was a problem. In fact it made the film more realistic because the character wasn't supposed to be a confident singer. And it was just one small scene anyway where she sang.


Only thing that bothered me was the way she says "shadow"...don't even know just sounds weird...and that her face doesn't really much the sound coming out of her mouth...she looks like she's almost laughing and her voice never changes...that bothers me a little

But I actually think she has a sweet voice, a really nice tone to it


Personally I thought she was good. Not great but she certainly got away with it.


I totally agree with your comment.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


I agree scpbnumba that Drew "got away with it" regarding her singing in the movie as she also did when she sang "Over the Rainbow" in Blended. While she hasn't a true singing voice, she sings with an innocence that charms given the right song....

Si vis pacem, para bellum


I agree!
