oh god

100 minutes of my life i'm never getting back


God, when will that tired phrase die?!
Yes, yes, 100 minutes of movie watching you won't get back.
Now how about those thousands of minutes you spent posting inane and worthless comments on message boards? Why not lament those? Or the thousands of minutes you've spent reading on the john when you could have been doing something more productive? Or the thousands of minutes you spent playing the same mindless Internet game instead of working or reading or watching something other than reality TV? Or all the minutes you wasted sleeping late, masturbating to Internet porn, staring off into nothing. I bet you have wasted more minutes of your life than actually spent minutes doing something truly productive.
I've wasted 5 minutes responding to your inane drivel.
Spend 100 minutes learning new ways to express yourself and you'll break even.


that obviously touched a nerve. judging by how many posts on imdb you've done, perhaps you should think of something more productive to do, rather than quashing other people opinions.


Touche', I have been bested!



LOL!!! Really!! If someone doesn't like a movie, great, but at least if one feels the need to go public with how much they hated it, have the brain power and the courtesy to at least try to come up with a halfway cogent statement as to why. Otherwise, who cares?


You hated the movie. Yet you created an IMDB account ONLY to write a single sentence on a movie you disliked.
