Hugh sings well!

I thought Hugh sounded so good (and yes, it is his voice), he could go professional! Anyone agree?


I sure do, I love his voice.

"She can't fall for you, if you're not there to catch her."-Alex Kelly, The OC


He sang so good I was convinced he was dubbed but he is credited with the vocals on the film credits. He needs to do a musical comedy on Broadway!


Great tracks by Adam Schlesinger which suited Hugh Grant's limited but attractive vocals particularly on "Meaninless Kiss" and "Dance with me Tonight" Also worth a 2nd listen is 'Pop Goes my Heart' !!! Download the tracks you like for your IPlayer from Amazon at 69p per track - great value. 'Don't Write me off' worth it if seen film. Suprised at Hugh Grant who with the right management could have made it as a 'pop star' in the 80's - trouble is that he was only 20 - ye'r come to think probably just right (Didn't realise he was so old !!! (born September 1960) So he is 50 this year - congrats Hugh. (he only looked 25ish) in 'Pop Goes My Heart' I want some of that make up please - where did you get it Hugh ?


Alas, in the US none of the "music by the piece" sellers over the net seem to be offering tracks individually, just the full album download or CD.



Amazing voice!!

