MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > «Two sides to every story, except for th...

«Two sides to every story, except for the Nazis.»

Dialogue of the movie, the second time Grand and Drew met :

-- It is just that I hate infections.
But then again, who likes them ?
Maybe the people who make penicillin

-- There is two sides to every story.

-- That's true, except for the Nazis. I can't really see the other side of that

It has been several times I see such lines involving Nazis bashing in romantic movies. How comes ?


You want pro Nazi lines in romantic films?

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed...


You want pro Nazi lines in romantic films?

Very interesting question. Sure points up the poster's thoughts.


"Believe in the magic of your dreams"



Sure why not? They give us Pro Islamic Fascist lines. Pro Eco Fascist lines.

"I try to leave out the parts readers skip." Elmore Leonard


Haha, cuz it's always funny.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!



Well I guess if you really need an explanation....It's one of the very few subjects were there isn't really an argument in favor of what that group stood for. There really could be a debate on most subjects but not on that. It was an easy, non offending line. Unless your a neo-nazi I guess.... Kind of a no brainer there....Work for you now?


Hi aleste81,

You wrote "It has been several times I see such lines involving Nazis bashing in romantic movies. How comes ?"

Yo uare completely right. This happens very often. I suppose the answer is very simple. If you are a writer (esp. for a comedy), you use topics that are commonly known.

But. In this particular case, it is Drew who says it. And her mother was born in a Displaced persons camp in Brannenburg, West Germany, to Hungarian World War II refugees. So, I guess she can say it...

