'Slam' song question...

Here are the lyrics:

"Mama says I can't, Daddy says I can
But again my body just wants to slam
Whoa'o Whoa'o
Whoa'o Whoa'o"

(Honestly that's the entire song. Apparently it was just a filler for Hugh/Drew during their side of stage make-up scene at the end.)

But anyway:

Why would Daddy say she could when Mama clearly says she can't? Is Daddy the one doing the slamming?
Hmmm? I can't sleep knowing that Daddy is allowing this!

What the hell is a 'slam' anyway?
Is daddy Puff-Daddy (currently puff diddy-shiddy-widdy-fiddy-kiddy-biddy-???)

I hope slam is a dance.
Control your bodily urges girl.
Damn now I wanna slam!
